The Love Thread

Wtf is going on? My ex has a new boyfriend yet she slept 4 times with me, and basically every time we meet we end up in kisses and shit. She goes oh we have to stop talking and seeing each other, then 1 day later she calls me and talks about how much she misses me, we see each other, have a great time, make out and still nothing happens when I tell her I want her back, this has been going for a month and a half now, wtf?!

Anyone been through this that can give a word of advice?
Shes having two cakes, simple as that.
She has the new guy but probably misses you sometimes and gets what she wants when it fits her.

Ultimatum? If she still wants you back then she will realize that if you break it off completely. If she doesnt... well then you have to move on anyway, so a cold break is a win win.

Unless you enjoy having her as a sextoy and dont mind "being played".
:s say "good bye" to her, only bad people "play" with one who really love, if that is the way she loves you, she is bad. doesn't deserve you.

pd:if she wants you as a sex toy doesn't sounds bad. But it's possible she sleep with the other guy, and hours after, with you. would be disgusting :s
Wtf is going on? My ex has a new boyfriend yet she slept 4 times with me, and basically every time we meet we end up in kisses and shit. She goes oh we have to stop talking and seeing each other, then 1 day later she calls me and talks about how much she misses me, we see each other, have a great time, make out and still nothing happens when I tell her I want her back, this has been going for a month and a half now, wtf?!

Anyone been through this that can give a word of advice?

Find a girl who is not into DRAMA !!!