The Love Thread

I looooove Non-Stop!
I could eat all of those omnomnomnom...

We need a new thread for irrelevant pics. We can call it 'monoxidechild's thread for pictures that don't belong in the threads he would otherwise post them in.'
I love this girl.
She has made her choise tho, we are supposed to only be friends, and thats all it can be. I cut it off about 6 monts ago when we got too hot and close, she has a boyfriend, but now we are back to being "friends".
It so fucking hard.
It hurts.
I sound like a pussy. :(
was she cheating on her boyfriend when she was with you before? you don't want to be with a cheater, you never know when they will do it again :(
I don't know the details man, but it might just be the best idea to distance yourself on her. It will be easier to put things into perspective on her actions, and if the answer to Jen's inquire is true may allow you to see easier that her behavior was actually not that off a good friend or potential partner.