The Love Thread

We made out tonight, she wanted me to stay at her place, I played it cool I went to eat with my pals first, she went home 'cause she was tired, I was supposed to hook up with her after but she never answered, she either fell asleep or was pissed at me for going with my pals. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKk.

Im such a fuckup. :(
if she asks you to spend the night then she is either promiscuous or REALLY into you. If its the latter... yeah she probably pissed, but you can show her you are into her and melt the ice of her wounded pride. if the former, another man could have been called over and you'll have to wait your turn again.

if you guys did a lot of talking and really clicked, she probably wanted to gradually ease into a more intimate situation, not have you break the momentum then drop by after you had nothing better to do with your friends. redeem yaself as soon as you can imo.

also imo playing it cool works on men, but not always with women... like if she already likes you.
what ive heard from her very close friends is that she really likes me, shes probably pissed. I know she has alot of "guy pals" so i guess anything could have happened last night, nothing I can do anything about, im still trying to figure this girl out so maybe it was for the best. We will see today if I hear anything from her, hehe. Fucking cat and mouse game has begun. :erk: