the MAN thread

i was getting back home by train, then we heard a noise which sounded like bones being broken and flesh being torn apart. and the train stopped and we got asked to step down. then they told us someone jumped on the railroad. i took the bus and got back home at 5pm, and had my first meal of the day, which was cold bread *man*.
I went to a bar last night, I was the only person there under 35 and mullet-less, there was a Zepplin and a Sabbath tribute band playing, and I was drinking Budweiser and chain smoking Marlboro reds. I then contemplated that if was to become a regular at this place, I would need to grow a mustache.
I was also hit on by fat goth chicks.
a manly man I am.
Last time I played live there was a woman in the pit punching her own belly and asking people to do so. After that i learnt she was pregnant - LIVE ABORTION - MAN STUFF !!
It depends. Are you planning to wear tights and join the aerobic-class? That's gay, but if you only grunt and admire your huge biceps from the mirror, that could be considered manly. Or gay as well...