the metal thread!

Kudos to sexualist death for the thread, and to Hearse for his efforts! You both rock!

Now to matters of a more serious nature. WHAT THE FUCK are you Virgin Black advocates SMOKING and WHERE can I get some of that powerful stuff?? I've listened to the entire Sombre Romantic album 3 times and it duly crossed my mind that perhaps John Cage should've made an entire album of say, 10, 11 or even 12 compositions of complete silence (of varying lengths of'd be almost as boring as Sombre Romantic, if the tracks were all the same length), 'coz if there's people who really like this Virgin Black drivel then surely Cage will sell an assload!

Ok, now for the GOOD news! I have an original "promotional" copy of Sombre Romantic (ie: the REAL disk in a cardboard "record type" sleeve) which I will not only "GIVE to", I will also "POST to" one of you at my own expense just to get it the fuck outta my house!...and into a home that will actually PLAY it! All you need to do is convince me it's YOUR home it belongs in.

Suit a week i either use it as a coaster or frisbee it over the neighbours fence...:lol:

No wonder Satan's shares have risen! :flame: :muahaha: He has The Project Hate on his team! Meanwhile God is negotiating furiously with John Cage's people just to salvage a little credibility!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)