The Mills Acoustic Cab Has Arrived! (CLIPS INSIDE)


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York

This thing weighs SO MUCH and it is SOOOO WIDE. It looks smokin' as well.

Well folks. I had about 5 minutes to mic the cab up, and I'm gonna go ahead and say it fuckin' slays :heh:

No proessing aside from HP and LP on the clips, of course.

When first impressions are great, I have no idea how awesome this thing could prove to be in the future. It really sounds 3 dimensional, no lie.

I did some Nevermore Riffs through the Maxon->5150. I quad tracked and the louder tracks are the GK100's and the lower are the Vintage 30's. I really like those GK100's wooo: Cab First Test.mp3

Here are updated clips with my modded Rectifier with the maxon, similar settings to the 5150, quad tracked, but just the V30 this time: Acoustics Recto.mp3

I think it sounds great for spending a few minutes with her. Should annihilate!
Soungs great but it's half past 2 in the morning here, so I'll give it a proper listen tomorrow. Thanks for the clip! I hope there'll be a Mesa vs Mills comparison and guitar-only clips, as well.
Congratulations my friend!!!! It looks like a beast but it also sounds like a beast!!! The clip sounds really great!
Especially the "growl" on the "River Dragon.." is awesome!!!!!!! What do you think about the GKs and what are the differences in sound between them and the Vintage ones? I'm really interested about the Mesa vs Mills comparison too. It will be the "Battle of the Cabs"!
Do you keep the mids on the Peavey low? Nice growl again!!!
The tone at the end kind of reminds me of Heartwork, even though if I ABed it I'd probably think differently.

PS.: This is a compliment.
Thanks for the kind words!

I think I like the GK's over the V30's. That's my first impression. Different speakers work well for different things. I will say that micing up the cabinet was SUPER EASY. I didn't struggle with frequencies battling. The guitars may have had a touch too much lows on this clip, though.

Mids on the Peavey were on 2.5 on this clip. I'll knock em down to 1.5 next time. I think microphone position and the fact that the cabinet is brand new is going to affect the tone a bit. Next time, I'll use the Recto.
Sorry, but I've got a bunch of questions here for you. I've been really interested in both the Mills cab with X pattern or G12K100s, and also the Orange 4x12 with G12K100s... I have a Bogner V30 cab now. Is the Mills a lot tighter sounding than your Mesa standard cab? Have you ever played a V30 Orange cab? The V30 Orange cab is much tighter than a Mesa 4x12, but also darker and smoother. If you've played an Orange before, could you compare it to the Mills? I am wondering if the Mills is as tight and how bright it is compared to a Mesa or Orange..... the Mesa is brighter, Orange more smooth and warm.... I like my Bogner cab, but I think I want to either get another Orange (possibly the G12K100 one instead of the normal V30 one) or get a Mills with V30s + G12K100s in an X pattern (or maybe just four G12K100s) instead and sell the Bogner...

Let me know what you think. My Bogner cab is great and probably will mic up just as well as a Mesa, but the Orange I used to have is nicer sounding to listen to in person because of the smoother highs... it's also a little bit tighter due to the compact dimensions. So, I know I like the Orange V30 cab a little better than my Bogner... I'm just curious about it compared to the Orange with G12K100s or a Mills cab, neither of which I've ever tried or heard in person...
I have an Avatar Contemporary 4x12 with Hellatone 30's and 60's, which are just basically broken in Celestions V30's and G12H30's.

AFAIK, the Avatar contemporary cab is IDENTICAL to the Orange 4x12 in every way. They may even be built by the same people...

For METAL, I like my Mesa 4x12 over my Avatar 4x12. The difference is ALMOST negligible, but it's not just the same in the mix. The Mesa V30's are different than Orange's.

The Mills cab sounds DIFFERENT. Period. It is "bigger sounding" and full of life. It is a very special cabinet.
I have an Avatar Contemporary 4x12 with Hellatone 30's and 60's, which are just basically broken in Celestions V30's and G12H30's.

AFAIK, the Avatar contemporary cab is IDENTICAL to the Orange 4x12 in every way. They may even be built by the same people...

For METAL, I like my Mesa 4x12 over my Avatar 4x12. The difference is ALMOST negligible, but it's not just the same in the mix. The Mesa V30's are different than Orange's.

The Mills cab sounds DIFFERENT. Period. It is "bigger sounding" and full of life. It is a very special cabinet.

I don't think the avatar is really all that similar to the Orange to be honest. I think there's just some cosmetic similarities. The Orange cab is a bit smaller than most other V30 cabs out there and with a really thick grille cloth... it gives a very specific sound. Much tighter than a Mesa or most other rearloaded V30 cabs but also smoother and less of the sharp ear piercing spike you hear from V30s in the room.

Yeah, I'd expect the Mills to be different, but... compared to your Mesa cab and other V30 cabs you've used... does it have tighter/faster bass response or more loose and "big"...? Does it have more or less highs? Those are the two main things I'm wondering... but also in general, do you like it more than your Mesa and do you think it was worth the price?
From what I understand, the Celestion V30s that come in Mesa Standard cabs are voiced slightly darker than "regular" Celestion V30s.
From what I understand, the Celestion V30s that come in Mesa Standard cabs are voiced slightly darker than "regular" Celestion V30s.

I need to try out some Mesa cabs again soon. I got so used to my Bogner standard a while back and now I don't think I really like it very much...
Really most I ever hear about Bogner cabs is that they don't add up to the price they charge :( Same with Diezel cabs though too, no offense to anyone that owns either, just saying.
Really most I ever hear about Bogner cabs is that they don't add up to the price they charge :( Same with Diezel cabs though too, no offense to anyone that owns either, just saying.

Well, it's a nice cab, for sure... just leans a little more towards the vintage side with the way the mids sit... and it's kind of a springy, resonant cab.... good sound for sure but maybe not necessarily what I'm looking for in a modern metal kind of tone... I want to get a new cab soon. I really want to get another Orange 4x12 but I've read a bunch of guys on here saying they had some trouble micing them and getting a good sound (in comparison to the typical mesa cabs)...
I don't think the avatar is really all that similar to the Orange to be honest. I think there's just some cosmetic similarities. The Orange cab is a bit smaller than most other V30 cabs out there and with a really thick grille cloth... it gives a very specific sound. Much tighter than a Mesa or most other rearloaded V30 cabs but also smoother and less of the sharp ear piercing spike you hear from V30s in the room.

Yeah, I'd expect the Mills to be different, but... compared to your Mesa cab and other V30 cabs you've used... does it have tighter/faster bass response or more loose and "big"...? Does it have more or less highs? Those are the two main things I'm wondering... but also in general, do you like it more than your Mesa and do you think it was worth the price?

The Avatar uses the same woods and is the same dimensions as the orange last time I checked. The grille cloth, on the other hand, is a different story. I also insist upon you making a grille on/grille off clip of your orange. The_Shred did this with his Mustaine cab (which sounds great, by the way) and it made very little difference.

The Mesa cab DOES NOT SOUND THAT MUCH DIFFERENT than my Avatar Contemporary. HONESTLY. The Mesa Cab DOES use darker sounding v30's BUT my Avatar cab is also loaded with special Hellatone V30's which are "warmer" sounding, and broken in. This may be the cause for this. Neither are boxy, but the Mesa does have a more solid low end. I did clips once of two cabs and two amps in a mix contest and a lot of people thought the Mesa cab was the Avatar (and vice-versa). I did no eqing, so I'm sure you could eq one to sound like the other. Unfortunately, I do not have these clips any longer.

The Mills cab is completely different. It sounds really open... and big. I don't know how else to put it. It is different. I haven't heard my 5150 sound the way it did on this recording before. I'm excited to spend more time with the cab.
Definitely the best tone I've heard from over your way, man.

Seems to be a very special cab. I *greatly* look forward to that cab shoot-out. Hell, if you could throw the Avatar in there too I may just be nursing my boner for a few weeks.