The Mister and Misses Anathema forum awards!!!

i can clean the house, wash clothes, get them dry, iron them, wash the toilets and bathroom and windows, wipe the dust, etc. im the perfect housewife really. and usually i do all of this naked [except my pink apron] and smiling and i put barry white as background music. what else could you ask?
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
i can clean the house, wash clothes, get them dry, iron them, wash the toilets and bathroom and windows, wipe the dust, etc. im the perfect housewife really. and usually i do all of this naked [except my pink apron] and smiling and i put barry white as background music. what else could you ask?

Errmm, do you wanna teach me, too? I know nothing.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
i can clean the house, wash clothes, get them dry, iron them, wash the toilets and bathroom and windows, wipe the dust, etc. im the perfect housewife really. and usually i do all of this naked [except my pink apron] and smiling and i put barry white as background music. what else could you ask?

men don't do such things