
Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Ok, so what mix/production sucks the most ?
Post yours here.

No order:

All That Remains - Fall of Ideas (indeed)
Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrants ( don't know, same thing with in sorte diaboli)
Metallica - what do you think ?...the new one.

I guess they don't suck that hard, but i'm curious what you guys post.
Oh man, this reminds me of the Gearslutz HipHop & Rap Forum, where people just have these recurring "OMG; 50cents nu album vocals sux so badd!" threads.

Come on guys. Where's the point in this? Why not make it a topic like "Top 3 Mixes Done By Famous Mixers That You Dislike For A Reason"? And then actually explain why you dislike the mix?

Other than that it's another waste of time thread, cause nobody will ever gain or learn anything from simply stating "this mix sucks!".
Have to disagree with All that remains and In Flames. IMHO Fall of ideals is an ok mix - nothing spectacular but it doesn't suck. And In Flames... Well, I don't quite dig the mix on the new album or the first ones, but I think Reroute to remain and Come clarity, for example, have excellent mixes, and Clayman is overall production-wise one of the best albums ever.

For a really sucking mix I'd have to say Thanatos - Angelic encounters. Kickass music, but the snare is so piercing I really can't listen to the album at all :O
Oh man, this reminds me of the Gearslutz HipHop & Rap Forum, where people just have these recurring "OMG; 50cents nu album vocals sux so badd!" threads.

Come on guys. Where's the point in this? Why not make it a topic like "Top 3 Mixes Done By Famous Mixers That You Dislike For A Reason"? And then actually explain why you dislike the mix?

Other than that it's another waste of time thread, cause nobody will ever gain or learn anything from simply stating "this mix sucks!".

True, but hey, we all need something to waste our time on when there's nothing else to do :) I mean, why else would there even be an offtopic area here?
True, but hey, we all need something to waste our time on when there's nothing else to do :) I mean, why else would there even be an offtopic area here?

I just hate this non-constructive and unspecific bitching. Especially when it is so easy to make it specific and constructive. I guess I am just not bored enough :D
+1 on the cellador album. the mix just sounds really cheap, like they mixed everything themselves and had very little idea of what they were doing.

+1 on rise of the tyrants, but i think that has more to do with the mastering. the whole album has a really large boost at 3K that makes it quite fatiguing.

and of course ST ANGER, the big obvious one.

for me personally, i wish the Dethklock cd sounded better. vocals have no lows (could be the way way his voice sounds) and overall the mix just doesn't cut it for me as far as guitar tone and the way the drums are mixed.
Mayhem - In Ordo Ad Chao.

I just don't *get* the necro.
I'd much rather hear the music than hear weird washed out reverb-y drums.
Opeth "Watershed" Every time i listen to that album i wanna sell all of my gear because i will never achieve anything close to that.

SYL "Alien" This cd sucks because i still cant figure out how they fit a metric ton of whoop ass on a single cd.

Metallica "St Anger" this album would have been much better if they would have left James in rehab and sent lars to the store while they were recording the parts and mixing it.:lol:
Sepultura - Bestial Devestation. Haha, it still kicks ass though.

EDIT: Actually, for the shit they had, its pretty awesome! :kickass::kickass: