Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrants - love the music and the band, but can`t listen to this albom at all....dont like mix very much - snare looks like just rever (can`t hear body or attack, etc.)...and other drums too...manly this
I'd just like to add on Hypocrisy's "Virus" to this list, though my main complaint is the mastering - I truly have NEVER heard something so wretchedly smashed and audibly distorting as this (people talk about "In Sorte Diaboli," that album might as well be a classical recording in comparison to "Virus" dynamic-wise :Puke: ). It also is the loudest album I have on my iPod, bar none (so at least all that smashing and distortion accomplished that).

I totally agree with you...Clipping and distorting EVERYWHERE!!! It is tolerable for 10mins or so, then it brings about ear fatigue. It's a shame, as it seems like Peter put a lot of effort in making the record uber-atmospheric, especially on the slower songs like Fearless. Virus happens to be one of my all favourite melodeath CDs, it just needs to be remastered. Oh, and the problem is also in The Arrival too.