the mood thread

oke, now this is something I wrote about 1 year ago when I also had this strong feeling of being lost somehow...

Passing by the old grey houses
Walking silently on the cold Snow
Catched in a web of wrong promises
My life has never meant to go this way
Day by day
Just washing it away
I dream of it, want this dream again.
So selfish in my passion
These dreams destroy the day
Bring back the glance of pain.
Inside of me time has changed
And I forgot to live with it.
Now your ghost follows me through the snow
Fire on every step I take
Devil in every dream I seek
Beauty in every sensual feeling
Desire for a way to turn back time...
Amazing how somethines you can hear a song or its lyrics and it feel like looking at the mirror.

I feel the dark side crawling in
I suck it in with joyful grin
I breath inside and keep it there
This darkness I will not share
Were you with the ones who left me here with nothing more to fear
I sense the pain and taste the blood
I yearn for pain that leaves no scars
Deep down in my darkness unrighteous dimension of despair
I hit myself against the wall
I hit myself I beat me raw
On the floor I cannot move
In my darkest hour the time has stood
Don´t you touch me don´t you dare
To break this silence with words of care
Unspeakable, unbarrallelled
My universe, my darkest cell
mirror mirror on the wall how much deeper I shall fall
Frodnat said:
I know these feelings very well. It is just an illusion...

Don´t search for the highest intensity. It doesn´t bring you what you really want. What is a moment, just a moment in comparison to a whole life?

Exhaustion... Emptiness... feeling useless... warmth is gone...

Hmmm... Just ignore it. It isn´t real !!! Do some sports instead...

But what actually is real...?
Yeah when you feel like shit/empty/scared/depressed/ you think aye this isn`t real lets just have a cup off tea.
if you have these feelings like being scared it is the only thing you can think about and trust me it looks verry real.
miranda B said:
Yeah when you feel like shit/empty/scared/depressed/ you think aye this isn`t real lets just have a cup off tea.
if you have these feelings like being scared it is the only thing you can think about and trust me it looks verry real.

Most of the time... I mean, when there is no obvious reason to be afraid, empty, when these feelings are just there, like waves come and go.

Fear isn´t good for anything. So get rid of it. This is my credo... doesn´t mean that this process is easy... ;)
DragonLady1 said:
dont think so, and after all, u cant chose who u fall in love with... and for me heart is still stronger then reason, so its oke the way it is... I mean would be nice to see him every day, but well, we have to cope with this situation now and after all, we manage it to see each other at least once or twice a month :)
Well, I do hope there are some exceptions, and I also do hope you are one of them but none of the "distance" experiences I had worked out nice so maybe it's just me again. It's like missing the person so much that you create a defense for unconsciously and progressively trying to think less of it, and therefore more on the people close to you...but then again, this is my case, I don't mean you ppl are all the same as this...It's not like I have to meet the person I love's more like feeling she's close...that'll be enough as a love-feeder for me...
I also had a distance relationship before and it worked out well, it didnt end because of the distance anyway, these were other matters... So I dont have a problem with this at all... And after all, my love is close even he can not be there every day... I dont mind distance...
Eos said:
Did you ever had the feeling that you woke up in someone else's life? I mean like knowing that this is not what you want nor what could make you happy? And that the whole day passes beside you and it makes no difference.. like in a trance.. It just passes by without touching you..?
he he he in the past I spent years at a time like gets scarey when you dont actually care about it anymore :ill:

and frognat sed something that made sense to me!! *gasp* hes right: sport is good kids!! or failing that random acts of vandalism, anything that gets the old adrenaline kicking in :kickass:
DragonLady1 said:
who wrote it?
Tuomas from Before The Dawn.
When I met him "live" for the first time I told him that this song means a lot to me and I explained him how I see it. He was like :OMG: . He told me that I'm the first person who totally understands that song.. Also he showed me some lyrics of the new album. It's almost spooky how similar we feel about some things.
My last relationship was a distanced one too (tho only 150km). We saw eachother only on weekends and I found that even kind of good. I still had enough time to do my stuff and to meet my friends. I left enough space for your own life.. But then also I can be fucking rational when it's about relationship which is not always very good.
I agree with the part that u have enough time for ur things, I also like that freedom, it would be the same if he lived at the same place, I would still ask for my freedom, cause the only thing that really kills a relationship for me is when u only focus on ur partner or the partner on u and it starts to get a real prison...
DragonLady1 said:
yes, but its possible.... my bf also lives 800 kms far away from me but we can do it, everything is possible if u are strong sometimes, but I know... its hard...
but you both have a car maybe??