the mood thread

Eos said:
Did you ever had the feeling that you woke up in someone else's life? I mean like knowing that this is not what you want nor what could make you happy? And that the whole day passes beside you and it makes no difference.. like in a trance.. It just passes by without touching you..?
Shit that's exactly the feeling I got the past months but I couldn't describe it, you've done it perfectly.
Cerulean said:
Shit that's exactly the feeling I got the past months but I couldn't describe it, you've done it perfectly.
I used to have this after every gig I went to.. now I have it more or less every morning. Except there's something really special going on that day, something which makes you smile when you think of it while still lying in your bed :)
Eos said:
Thanks Tools ;) . I actually do love some people but they're too far away.. And the ones I used to love here actually don't give a fuck about it.

Dragonlady: Finntroll indeed are the ones who push me up again a bit :) . I'm really really looking forward to Anathema too but I have this feeling that I will feel really bad after that gig again. I mean not because of the gig!! but because afterwards it makes you see the reality again...
The next gig after Anathema is Hypocrisy and it's gonna be a long time till then.

Did you ever had the feeling that you woke up in someone else's life? I mean like knowing that this is not what you want nor what could make you happy? And that the whole day passes beside you and it makes no difference.. like in a trance.. It just passes by without touching you..?
I know these feelings very well. It is just an illusion...

Don´t search for the highest intensity. It doesn´t bring you what you really want. What is a moment, just a moment in comparison to a whole life?

Exhaustion... Emptiness... feeling useless... warmth is gone...

Hmmm... Just ignore it. It isn´t real !!! Do some sports instead...

But what actually is real...?
Eos said:
Did you ever had the feeling that you woke up in someone else's life? I mean like knowing that this is not what you want nor what could make you happy? And that the whole day passes beside you and it makes no difference.. like in a trance.. It just passes by without touching you..?
as Allan quoted brilliantly: do you feel as if its yer full potential?
arent u just in a passive mode and that its hard to climb out cos u dunno where to go?
perhaps its little comfort, but its mostly just all phases :loco:
Frodnat said:
Don´t search for the highest intensity. It doesn´t bring you what you really want. What is a moment, just a moment in comparison to a whole life?
Sure.. but it's not only the gig, it's about the people. People who care for you, who give you the feeling that you are worth something. Those who are there for you, even if only in emails for the most of the time. Once you see a possibility to hold them and give them a big hug, it just makes you feel better. And in that moment you don't care if it's only for one day. Even to know the date makes the happening within your grasp and allready that makes you feel better :)
Eos said:
Sure.. but it's not only the gig, it's about the people. People who care for you, who give you the feeling that you are worth something. Those who are there for you, even if only in emails for the most of the time. Once you see a possibility to hold them and give them a big hug, it just makes you feel better. And in that moment you don't care if it's only for one day. Even to know the date makes the happening within your grasp and allready that makes you feel better :)
That´s true...
Please note it's hell to have a girlfriend living in another country. I'll see mine in three weeks, and it's been four weeks since last time. Ah...
I shouldn't complain though, knowing Heiko's situation is even worse.
Cerulean said:
Sports? :err: You must think I'm stupid!
No I don´t think you are stupid. Sports stabilizes, increasing the levels of serotonin in your brain, the same effect you have when you feel comfortable...
Cerulean said:
Please note it's hell to have a girlfriend living in another country. I'll see mine in three weeks, and it's been four weeks since last time. Ah...
I shouldn't complain though, knowing Heiko's situation is even worse.
mate i dont regard it as yet as a problem really

heiko? whats he after den?
toolsofthetrade said:
ah, people-over-distance-things are the toughest ones :(

yes, but its possible.... my bf also lives 800 kms far away from me but we can do it, everything is possible if u are strong sometimes, but I know... its hard...

@eos, I know this feeling, its the same here, I have so many "lives"... my friends here, my friends in Vienna, my friends in Germany, friends somewhere else, in Greece, in Turkey, in Ireland... wherever... I just wish I could call someone when I need him and he/she's there and same in the other direction but thats not possible sometimes... As most of my closest friends are everywhere but not here... But I think this is because we are travelling a lot, so we meet people everywhere and after all, its not bad sometimes, to be able to see them again, it makes u more happy then anything else at that moment...
Achernar said:
I'm glad my girlfriend lives in the same city as I do. :) Distance all sorta ways...unfortunately...

dont think so, and after all, u cant chose who u fall in love with... and for me heart is still stronger then reason, so its oke the way it is... I mean would be nice to see him every day, but well, we have to cope with this situation now and after all, we manage it to see each other at least once or twice a month :)