the mood thread

I used to clean on Dimmu Borgir.

@Tools: I shared one with friends and they kept it. No more temptation... only when beer is in the woman ...

btw I had to pick up my hb from the bike shop and the world was still spinning... not a good idea
Finntrol, Dimmu Borgir... thx for the tips. :Spin: Been playing some old The Gathering stuff, a bit of Samael and some Paradise Lost so far. Well still a lot to do so I'm off again. :erk:
Yeah!! It's done! I feel like :hotjump: ! I really hate cleaning, but well sometimes it's just necessary.
Metallica made it so much more pleasurable! :Spin:
im feeling dead tired..the work in the hospital is really exhausting..:( still, its nice and very rewarding.
maybe i should go to bed again. :S
I'm drunk, my work mates gave me so much to drink cause its carneval and that, u know... now I'm already pissed and I'll go to the bar in an hour... I think work will be a pain in tha ass tomorrow ;) actually I feel like calling someone I never call usually... :loco: