the mood thread

LostLenore said:
I'm happpyyyy !
we're all home. Tara's a lot better. They couldn't find anything tho :(
ah :) great for you lot Sandra! but it wouldnt be that satisfying since u dunno what the problem might be :(

hope you'll get the answer soon... Tara get well!
I am calm today... very, very rational. My left knee hurts from time to time...:ill: Walked on icy ground with both hands in my pockets falling all over at the bottom of some stairs... Wrote a poem today... it is called the stone... a sad story...
I feel torned between my plans and passions really. can't decide what to do, like. I'm surrounded by all my possible options and I feel like I should grab one of them. Just can't figure it out and I don't even know what it is I should figure out. I'm stuck like a rabbit in the headlights. argh.

ah, but it's friday. I feel happy about that.