the mood thread

Bastet said:
aah, and you didn't even give me your address!

hey, take care,eh, jussi! hope it's not too serious!?

ah, it's not really. been worse.

and let's just wait till you get the thing so you won't pay for nothing :) I'll probly get more cds today so maybe tomorrow I'll post it.
Suddenly the pain spasmodically thunderingly outburstingly terribly attacked my right shoulder, now I can hardly move, I can't turn my head like I used to be able to.

:yell: :yell: :yell:

I also cut my thumbelina with a trowel :cry:

I'm a limbless veteran.
im in the mood, oh im in the mood, for some love and affection
im in the mood, oh im in the mood, to give you my erection
oh im in the mooooood, oh yes im in the mooo, mooo ooo oood

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. nite
allan, you also don't get the possibility that she might already BE on the forum while she felt this way and simply felt like writing it down.

ikeaboy, you never lose it do you?