the mood thred

Yippie, my presentation at UCD was rescheduled from Sunday to Friday, it means that the whole weekend is free for fun, I won't have to go :ill: worrying my ass off cause it's over in the first run.


I'm sorry, Sudan, take an Aspirin.

Or come over, it's shiny happy bright here, there's good music on too.
Well, after due consideration, I decided to take the offer, as it might easily be the last one of such a kind. I guess that means we can then go for a skiing holiday in the Swiss Alps and in no time we shall be betrothed, shan't we?
I think God's watching me, I wanted to txt my student that I wasn't going to teach her this morning cause I overslept (which I did deliberately ofcoooourse), and when I turned on my phone it had 4 txts by her saying we couldn't have a lesson today.


stupid police! ffs!
i got a parking-fine today! why can't they engage themselves in serious matters instead of pestering ppl with something like that. and it's not like i parked the car in a dangerous way, no! bah!
I like the colours of your paintings.

I see your truuue colours shining through
I see your truuue colours and that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours are beautiful like a rainbow

No, it's not my rare lesbian undercurrent, just a nice song :)