the mood thred

You were there! You saw it! IT WAS REAL!


Oh dear. That's undone years of expensive psychotherapy now. Excellent :)

(Who is he?)
no. i downloaded it a while ago but i only heard it once. besides the soft bits.

in a short while both you and DANNY CAVANAGH refer to the covers (i suppose?)though, i'll have a look in the library i think.

siderea said:
no. i downloaded it a while ago but i only heard it once. besides the soft bits.

in a short while both you and DANNY CAVANAGH refer to the covers (i suppose?)though, i'll have a look in the library i think.


Ah copies dont count. I cant tell you yet.
I feel


Actually, it's really nice, 5% alc. vodka orange fizzy drink, it's for sissies like me.
How can it be you have it in the fridge and haven't tried it??? :eek: I think it's slightly stronger than my Cool stuff, more like an alcoholic drink, while this vodka-orage is more like orange with a tinge. Anyway, go for your Bacarrrdi, proper pool piss :D
So I guess we'll never know the answer, ehh, a Dinner of Artichokes to you all, I'm off to bed, good night and eeewhooah, babies and gentlemen.
yep, i'm off too
night, maqus! and all these "invisibles" too ...this really seems to be the board of invisible ppl. can't stand it .:s