Black Session
Heretic Misanthrope
Sorry to say it, but there's nothing there to understand. It's all style, no substance. This stuff appeals to college students who think it's cool because the plot is actually incomprehensible or there's no plot at all. I know because I used to be one of those people. Unless of course you care to offer a detailed explanation of the 'epic poetry' of lost highway which my vastly inferior brain can't possibly comprehend.
But no, you can't. That's what I thought.
give me some time to respond

actually lost highway isn't that complicated. first of all, the theme is completely based on Faust ...
second of all, same as with poetry, or as with music, the intention is to create a mood, or feeling that goes much deeper than a "normal" emotion would. so when I ask you to explain exactly what you experience when you listen to some of your favourite bands, and to explain me exactly what is going on, than that is no problem for you? than you can give me an exact description that will make perfectly clear to me what the experience is? no you can't, because it's beyond words, that's why we have music and poetry, and certain films (wish there would be more, instead of story-movies), and art ... so besides a main theme (which is faust), it creates an atmosphere and calls up emotions which can put you in to a certain state and make you experience things and can make things clear to you without saying it out loud.
so yes I can answer your questions, but perhaps this means absolute bullshit to you again. and you will say: I only feel boredom when watching it. so that's your right, as it is the right for a lot of people to feel only boredom when listening to opeth or other great bands.
'nough said? because you can't put it all in to words, you must realize that

p.s.: I never said that you have an inferior brain, I just said that you don't seem to get Lynch, which is not an insult. it's just not your thing perhaps ... lots of great art out there, but none of it can speak to everyone, mostly it can't even reach a lot of people, no matter how intelligent or comprehensive they are.