The most INSANE death metal you will ever hear

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Apologies for the spam, but I feel that this must be shared with everybody who didn't catch it last time around.'s Nespithe is available for download.[/url]

This is lunacy. If you can get over the vocals (which sound like a guy singing through his spleen), you will hear some of the craziest riff-construction ever. Bow before it.

Thanks for reading.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I wa not here that long ago... yes, very good album... why exactly is it totally free?
Their former record label is rereleasing the album (which will sell well I'd assume) and giving the band nothing in return.
Obviously the opposite of cluelessness. :D

(i.e, in cases such as these, "we really think that 1 minute 56 Kbps bladeenc-encoded MP3 clips will give a good impression of our band and make people want to buy our album")
Well I've listened to the lot, and it's awesome! The riffs are brilliant, they fit together so well!

The vocals are just insane, like nothing I've ever heard! To those who haven't yet heard it - imagine a toad burping, that's what it's like! I love it!

It's not particularly brutal, well I suppose it is kind of, but it's great.

Like Destroyer of Orden - my main complaint is the short songs! They seem to be over so fast when they could gop on for a lot longer! :(

Anyway, I think I've pretty much exhausted the exclamation mark key, so I'll stop. :D