Do you know the most agressive, extreme band ever?

Jun 27, 2003
...Because I don't. I am just curious (nothing new), and I want to know the heaviest, hardest hitting band ever. Like, what is the most insane band that you know of?

Of course, I mean brutal...really brutal...ear bleeding brutal with the most fucked up angriest lyrics.

I really want to find this band. I have read a whole bunch of threads with people giving out different answers for the most brutal bands, but setting opinion aside, there must be one band out there that is THE epitomy(sp?) of brutal. There just has to be, right?
well Disgorge from mexico are the most brutal, ugly band I ever heard... check out the artwork.... from Forensick


anyway this kind of musci its not my cup of tea
ALaRum said:
Yeh disgorge ane fuckin sick and brutal also check out kalibas for some fuckin brutal insanity!!!

Yeh the new circle of dead children will kick your fuckin head in too!!! the vokills are savage as fuck!! heh
Anaal Nathrakh or Desecration are both fairly fucking brutal, I suppose some have heard the stories about how sick Desecration's Gore and Perversion was
Anaal Nathrakh
Abyssic Hate are fairly brutal
Agorophobic Nosebleed don't really count, they use drum machines, still heavy though.

It depends what you mean, in terms of heavyness or just pure being sick people and sick lyrics.
Mayhem with little or no competition
As for Anaal Nathrakh, they sound just like Mayhem (De Mysteriis) so I'd say that eliminates them... And I wouldn't call Abyssic Hate 'brutal', more 'suicidal'.
Sorath said:
Mayhem with little or no competition
As for Anaal Nathrakh, they sound just like Mayhem (De Mysteriis) so I'd say that eliminates them... And I wouldn't call Abyssic Hate 'brutal', more 'suicidal'.
you have to be fucking kidding me.... how do Anaal Nathrakh sound like Mayhem??? .... are you just going by the cover songs they did? ... listen to The Codex Necro and try to point out how it even remotely resembles De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas