The movie thread rears its head again


Division Vocalist
Feb 20, 2004
Figured I'd bring this topic up again since so many of us listen to one another when it comes to movies. I've watched a TON of flicks lately, gotta tell you, there are a few that are just knocked out of the park, and a few that should be used to fill in potholes.

the Director's Cut of Donnie Darko came out last month. If you haven't seen the movie, it's just plain bizarre but I think it's brilliant. Deserving of its own thread if enough of us watch it.

Still a huge fan of SAW, btw.

I watched a few golden oldies from the horror vault including Carnival of Souls (eerie enough to really mess with you if you aren't ready for it) and Atom Age Vampire (poorly redone hack job of every other monster movie in the 50's).

Oh and Napoleon Dynamite is funnier the second time. "BOW TO YOUR SENSAI!"
NickDivision said:
Figured I'd bring this topic up again since so many of us listen to one another when it comes to movies. I've watched a TON of flicks lately, gotta tell you, there are a few that are just knocked out of the park, and a few that should be used to fill in potholes.

the Director's Cut of Donnie Darko came out last month. If you haven't seen the movie, it's just plain bizarre but I think it's brilliant. Deserving of its own thread if enough of us watch it.

Still a huge fan of SAW, btw.

I watched a few golden oldies from the horror vault including Carnival of Souls (eerie enough to really mess with you if you aren't ready for it) and Atom Age Vampire (poorly redone hack job of every other monster movie in the 50's).

Oh and Napoleon Dynamite is funnier the second time. "BOW TO YOUR SENSAI!"

GAHHHH IDIOT!!!! Napoleon Dynamite is hysterical, it's kinda like a train wreck you can't help but watch!!!

Did ya recognize Napoleon's uncle, from Real Genius?
I saw Constantine last week. Not that great. Keanu needs a mute button. There isn't anything else interesting in the theater, so I've been plowing through Family Guy on DVD from Netflix, and I also watched the new version of Lion In Winter with Glenn Close and Patrick Stewart, which I didn't dislike as much as I expected.

However - Nick, I thought of you when I saw a preview for some new movie coming out called... Stealth? About three human pilots and an AI pilot gone beserk. Brief flash of Jessica Biel in a bikini.

well, it's off to IMDB then isn't it. As my brother so eloquently stated, that girl is the reason there should be human cloning.

Hmm...looks like I'll be watching TCM tonight. Forgot how good that flick is...

and Erica Leehrsen (sp) looks damn good in that one too. Huge change from BW2.
actually, in Biel related news, and yer right the movie is called Stealth....if you haven't seen Blade:Trinity, here's the bottom line. The writing is average, there are some great lines, and it's not that bad a flick, except Snipes really doesn't do well...anything.

If you're a guy, watch it for Jessica Biel (duh)

If you're a girl, Ryan Reynolds is your eye candy in this one.
Melinda and I saw Spanglish a month or so ago. I'm not the biggest Adam Sandler fan, but he was pretty good in this one. And Paz Vega was just gorgeous :)

Rented I Robot - it was pretty cool - kind of a kid's sci-fi movie. It seems verything Will Smith does has to be kid-friendly, which isn't a bad thing.

other than that, i can't add anything more to this thread....
Ok...I'm bringing this topic back to light since I think I love movies just about as much as you guys do.

What did you all think of Grudge? I know....old movie now, but I just got here so bear with me. :) I liked it overall, but I was really expecting more from it. There was no real 'jump factor' for me which I was expecting.

Has anyone seen the Ring 2 yet? I kinda dug the first one and want to see, just haven't had the chance yet. Wondering if it's worth it or not.
I enjoyed The Grudge. It's a nice change of pace that people can die without the need for a psychopath and a power tool.

As for the Ring 2, the writers switched up the path of the franchise, instead of just rehashing the first movie. Since it wasn't what people expected, it got mixed reviews. I'd say go in with an open mind. And Samara's just a creepy little bitch.
I'm still not going to see "The Ring 2," but if there are any good B-horror movies I'm missing out on, do fill me in! The last time I was home (WELL over a month ago), I started "Mirror, Mirror" but fell asleep watching it. So any suggestions on what would be good for us to watch would be awesome. I'm still not into the true horror movies...I think my love is for the humor in such classics as "Satan's School for Girls."

Perhaps a movie marathon is called for at my house? We need to do it soon since Chris is considering going to school full time, so he's gonna be on a strict diet of "You'd better only bring home straight A's!" from me. Alas, he's not going to study zombies though...well, maybe he will, depending on who he gets as a thesis adviser. :) Anything's possible if you can get someone to front the money for a grant!
I'm REALLY looking forward to Kingdom of Heaven, a big epicky historical flick about the Crusades, filmed by the same guy who did Gladiator - the reviews have said even Orlando Bloom couldn't kill this one.