the never ending story...

Pertinax said:
gay boy-band members. Pertinax then screamed "WTF WHY IS AMON AMARTH IN THE GAME HALO!?!?" Johan then ripped off his suit and defiantly held it up the Northern sky and swore on oath before the gods that he thought the game halo was gay and inquiring as to how the hell he ended up in it. Out of empathy, Odin stripped off their bio armor suits, gave them viking apparel / weapons, and then teleported him and the members off the planet and into....

... Friends Season 6. there they certainly would have some bashing to do. Ross saw them and to show off in front or Rachel he said "hey haloween is over you freaks. haha". Hearing this, Johan didnt hesitate, he...
...went to the mortician show last night in tampa, no one showed up because the douchebags failed to do any promotion. He enjoyed sets by the chasm and arsis, and wanted to copulate with the singer chick from matriarch, but hated funerus and incantation...who suck. angrily he left and went to...