The New Album Concept Game


Feb 28, 2003
Nottingham, England
righty ho. Here's something to do.

Take these tracks:

Ghost Of Peredition
Isolation Years
Baying Of The Hounds
Harlequin Forest

put them in any order you like, and make up a concept to fit the tracks... try and second guess what opeth are doing :P
Isolation Years
Harlequin forest
Ghost of perdition
Baying of the hounds

After years of isolation the main character is finally back in the forest wandering around as a harlequin while suddenly the ghost of perdition appears and greatly scares him with noises that sound like the baying of the hounds.
Everytime I think this forum can't sink any lower, people come up with such new and creative ideas.
Im thinking some kind of horror film mixture:

Ghost Of Peredition: Carnival of souls, Per will provide the creepy organ score. While melinda will make a reprise as the heroin (i wont give away the ending of the film though)
Isolation Years: Castle Freak, where the kid is locked in a basement and then kills people
Baying Of The Hounds: A story of the seeing eye dog from Suspria and how he turns on his master (we all know mike loves Goblin, and Dario Argento....Profondo Russo tshirt) I feel Per will play a part in this as well with creepy keyboard noises.
Harlequin Forest: Killer clowns from outer space (they land thier space ship i the forest), where they turn people into candy floss (or cotton candy to you yanks)
spigot said:
Everytime I think this forum can't sink any lower, people come up with such new and creative ideas.

aww come on it isnt that bad :P

We know the new album is likely to be a concept album, and we know some track names, so im just trying to see if we can guess what the concept will be before we know for sure.
Prepare for the ultimate concept!

1. Baying Of The Hounds

The concept opens on a man who is trying to dissapear. He escaped from prison, and was being chased by hounds. While in prison, he nearly went insane. It wasn't just your average prison, it was home of some of the most brutal practices in history, and filled with so many diseases, you couldn't count even them. The fights, violence, and bitch-owning, to him, was a fate worse than death. He would much rather risk his life escaping from the man-made hell, than live in it for another second.

2. Harlequin Forest

The man runs into a forest trying to lose the searchers and hounds who were on his trail. He crosses through several ponds and streams in an attempt to lose his scent. After he is pretty sure he lost them, he runs into a maniacle figure. Face to face with this creature, he finally realizes that he is, indeed, insane. All those years in prison made sure of that. He falls to his knees, wailing for his self, because he knows society could not accept him after what he has been through, and also for his wife and child he will never see again.

3. Isolation Years

The man lives in this forest with the Harlequin for what seems to be an eternity, but he doesn't know for sure. He lost count of the days, and his wrist-watch was damage in his escape from the prison. He stayed in this forest for years, playing host to the harlequin and his madness, which grew steadily throughout the years until the man couldn't even recognize what was real, and what wasn't. He would mutilate himself, cutting and eating his own flesh, laughing merrily at the sight of his flowing blood. He felt no pain. He was being consumed by an overwhelming sorrow at the lack of his family. He didn't even know if they were still alive, or how they were doing.

4. Ghost Of Perdition

The man became elderly and decrepit. By this time, his madness was intense even beyond the commensurate of God. He knew he was slowing down, but he didn't realize what that meant. He had never experienced it, or even remembered hearing about such a process. He slowly walked into a glade, and shouted a lamentation that reached the farthest corners of the forest. Weeping uncontrollably, the man had reached the extent of his madness. A dark form was appearing in front of him, becoming brighter and brighter until it was shown clearly to him. It was the harlequin, laughing.... and laughing.... until suddenly it choked. The man was slightly confused at this time. The harlequin continued to spasm, and loudly the crunch of his bones were heard.... until the harlequin fell to the ground and molded with the earth. Did the man finally get over his madness? Or did it consume him to a point where he couldn't even exist? That's a hard question, the man thought, as he lay wheezing on the ground. As suddenly as the harlequin perished, so had he. Still.. he couldn't bear to leave the earth. Not yet, anyway. His madness had indeed become so incredibly powerful that it tied his very being to the earth. He was determined to answer one last question before he went to hell... just one, little question that could free him from his madness. He had to seek his wife.

A morning in magenta, the petals fed from the dew.
She held her breath for a moment, to pause off the stream.
Still clinging to vast, old memories.
And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain.
The coffin is beautifully engraved.
Stained by soil, symbols of death.
All of which are stared upon, with porcelain eyes it seems.
Some spoke, and it was my turn to go.
In death entwined, I could not believe.
But it hangs around my neck.
A soft breeze passed me by, somewhat warmer for a second.
I knew it was the coming of spring, thus our APRIL ETHEREAL.
Maybe Baying of the hounds is another thing nicked from Comus. Add this to virtuous shell, leafy pathway, etc
It was a satanic harlequin, ok? Now the story fits in perfectly. :D And while the man is in the forest, the harlequin teaches him everything about the occult and they have satanic rituals. That's why he became so maaad, partially because of the things he saw in the forest. The harlequin would make illusions of his family being murdered and there was nothing he could do!
Oinkness said:
Prepare for the ultimate concept!

1. Baying Of The Hounds

The concept opens on a man who is trying to dissapear. He escaped from prison, and was being chased by hounds. While in prison, he nearly went insane. It wasn't just your average prison, it was home of some of the most brutal practices in history, and filled with so many diseases, you couldn't count even them. The fights, violence, and bitch-owning, to him, was a fate worse than death. He would much rather risk his life escaping from the man-made hell, than live in it for another second.

2. Harlequin Forest

The man runs into a forest trying to lose the searchers and hounds who were on his trail. He crosses through several ponds and streams in an attempt to lose his scent. After he is pretty sure he lost them, he runs into a maniacle figure. Face to face with this creature, he finally realizes that he is, indeed, insane. All those years in prison made sure of that. He falls to his knees, wailing for his self, because he knows society could not accept him after what he has been through, and also for his wife and child he will never see again.

3. Isolation Years

The man lives in this forest with the Harlequin for what seems to be an eternity, but he doesn't know for sure. He lost count of the days, and his wrist-watch was damage in his escape from the prison. He stayed in this forest for years, playing host to the harlequin and his madness, which grew steadily throughout the years until the man couldn't even recognize what was real, and what wasn't. He would mutilate himself, cutting and eating his own flesh, laughing merrily at the sight of his flowing blood. He felt no pain. He was being consumed by an overwhelming sorrow at the lack of his family. He didn't even know if they were still alive, or how they were doing.

4. Ghost Of Perdition

The man became elderly and decrepit. By this time, his madness was intense even beyond the commensurate of God. He knew he was slowing down, but he didn't realize what that meant. He had never experienced it, or even remembered hearing about such a process. He slowly walked into a glade, and shouted a lamentation that reached the farthest corners of the forest. Weeping uncontrollably, the man had reached the extent of his madness. A dark form was appearing in front of him, becoming brighter and brighter until it was shown clearly to him. It was the harlequin, laughing.... and laughing.... until suddenly it choked. The man was slightly confused at this time. The harlequin continued to spasm, and loudly the crunch of his bones were heard.... until the harlequin fell to the ground and molded with the earth. Did the man finally get over his madness? Or did it consume him to a point where he couldn't even exist? That's a hard question, the man thought, as he lay wheezing on the ground. As suddenly as the harlequin perished, so had he. Still.. he couldn't bear to leave the earth. Not yet, anyway. His madness had indeed become so incredibly powerful that it tied his very being to the earth. He was determined to answer one last question before he went to hell... just one, little question that could free him from his madness. He had to seek his wife.

A morning in magenta, the petals fed from the dew.
She held her breath for a moment, to pause off the stream.
Still clinging to vast, old memories.
And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain.
The coffin is beautifully engraved.
Stained by soil, symbols of death.
All of which are stared upon, with porcelain eyes it seems.
Some spoke, and it was my turn to go.
In death entwined, I could not believe.
But it hangs around my neck.
A soft breeze passed me by, somewhat warmer for a second.
I knew it was the coming of spring, thus our APRIL ETHEREAL.

really liked these ideas...but i have something that could make a pretty cool plot twist i think...u kno how u mention that he has to seek his wife before he can die...well perhaps in later songs as he journeys to find his past before he passes, a story unfolds - eventually revealing that he was, in fact, insane before he was even entered the prison....suppose the past that he loves so dear - his wife and children - werent even alive anymore becuz he had killed them...and thats why he was in prison in the first place! he goes insane...kills the family...goes to prison...sees these visions in the forest of his family being murdered as you said, then at the end he has a grand realization...he finally returns to a somewhat sane mental state, realizes it was him who killed his family in the visions, and then proceeds to kill himself....

i like it...
Yeah except that he was already dead... At the end of my story, he died but his soul was still attached to the planet. He couldn't go to hell until he saw his wife. And then I did a cheesy tie in with MAYH. :P