While on the subject, here in Sweden, it seems like a lot of people are surprised that the right-centre coalition they voted for actually are employing right-centre politics.
Well, you see, in my country this type of surprise would make perfect sense - public spending under Berlusconi was higher than under his left-wing predecessors; and the current left-of-center government is deregulating a number of sectors, which wasn't done by the right in the past. But I reckon that in Sweden the average level of consistency between political colors and actual policies may be higher.
As for Sarkozy, I believe he's alright, eventhough he is not especially exciting (I only listened to one of the debates in full, though, so I may be missing something). I think that the scariness factor has been more or less created by the media in reaction to some less-than-brilliant soundbites of his during the Paris riot. The fact that he would speak before thinking that what he said would be used against him is not very promising, but this still falls under the "not exciting" category rather than the "fascist" one. At least this is my understanding - but I admit that I don't know all there is to know about him.
edit not related to politics: it is probably the reminiscence of kreator records, but i really do not feel well today. it might also have to do with more or less resolving to give a red card to someone who did nothing but be extremely kind and understanding to me in the past six months, which i find horrendously unfair, but self-preservation might be at stake and i really do not know what to do.

i am abysmally annoyed at my own lack of foresight and would like to roll back to the end of january and, well,