The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@suwat: as long as it's just mental......

@Matse: the problem is that if such a picture of me were to reach your altar, someone else would have to take it. on purpose. ;)
Ever heard of a I-don't-know-how-it-is-called-take-a-picture-a-couple-of-seconds-after-you-push-button button on a camera. You can do it. Or you just let a girl take it.
It's official, bad taste is omnipresent and ever-compatible. The infamous Tokio Hotel are supposedly enchanting the states and Im left.. quite speechles actually.

Why doesnt the most annoying band in quite a long while go away like the other bands did? Why doenst the presence in the media go away with everyone supposedly despising them? Why dont most people bother to listen to good music? Why dont they all just drop dead? WHY??
Why doesnt the most annoying band in quite a long while go away like the other bands did? Why doenst the presence in the media go away with everyone supposedly despising them? Why dont most people bother to listen to good music? Why dont they all just drop dead? WHY??

Cuz I like them? :Smug:
Oh, come on Taliesin, you are above complaining about the musical taste of teenagers and younger ones. Their musical taste hasn't been better the last years so why should it change. Just this time it is a German emo band.
edit: Oh btw, for those who have not heard it yet: Scooter pushed Madonna from Nr.1 in the UK charts after her being there for only one week. Yay for Scooter. There is just so much good music coming from Germany. /edit

I finally have my sound system up and running (again actually, a couple of the days after I got it, we had a thunderstorm and the system's fuse blew up. The company immediately sent me a new subwoofer (I have to send them my old one)). Sound is amazing. Now I need a new harddrive to store a lot of lossless audio files. Mp3s with a low bitrate sound horrible on a good system.

For those who care:
soundcard: [ame=""]Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Music[/ame]
soundsystem: Teufel Concept E Magnum Power Edition 5.1
I finally have my sound system up and running (again actually, a couple of the days after I got it, we had a thunderstorm and the system's fuse blew up. The company immediately sent me a new subwoofer (I have to send them my old one)). Sound is amazing. Now I need a new harddrive to store a lot of lossless audio files. Mp3s with a low bitrate sound horrible on a good system.

For those who care:
soundcard: Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Music
soundsystem: Teufel Concept E Magnum Power Edition 5.1

Looks pretty sweet dude, I have this system:

So I have an interesting story to tell. This is the type of thing that seems to only happen to me for some reason or another.

I've been doing a lot of physical labor at my Grandfather's house lately (painting his garage, land scaping, repairing gutters,etc) and it has taken its toll on my back. So I decided to look into getting a massage, mind you I havent gotten one ever, and start calling around. Every place I call is asking $100, 125, 90 for an hour massage, but then I stumble onto one place that is offering a one hour deep-tissue massage for $65. Score, I'm saving myself some money. I get to the place and see nothing but a furniture store, but as I venture in I discover it is sort of a small shopping mall with the massage place in the back. I walk in and it looks legit enough: women in the waiting area, clean, pleasent music so I decide to stay. They make me take a shower then it's massage time. I'm laying there and this Russian women walks in, asks me how I'm doing and what type of massage I would like. The massage gets underway and it's really light barely any pressure at all and every time I ask her to put more on she doesn't. At about the 50 minute mark she tells me to flip over so she could rub my chest; I do and out of no where she reaches down at starts stroking my penis saying, ' happy ending only $60 more,' I was mortified and said no and promptly left.

The reason that I say this type of thing only happens to me is b/c I'm the only guy I know that walks into a well diguised 'rub n' tug' looking for a legit massage and ending up with the house special.
Did you pay the original 65$? It doesn't sound very relaxing and I guess that was the purpose of the massage.
It could have happened to anyone though, I think.
Oh I suppose it could have Matse, but I just seem to get into ridiculous situations like that. Yes I payed the $65 up front but it was an additional 60 for the hand job. It was the worst massage ever (probably) no pressure what so ever. I think next time I need some strong person to crack bones back into place and work knots out,
I could suggest a place many people told me is quite good and professional, but you'd have to pay about $700 just to travel here and back so it might be a little out of your price range.

Nah, affording it isn't the issue. It's more a question of how much I think a massage is worth. I guess I can spend $700 on a vacation just to get a massage and I'd pay $7000 to go on a vacation to get a massage by you Rahvin :), but only is the hand job is included in the initial $700.

DOC: Would you pay $60 for a hand job? :p
DOC: Would you pay $60 for a hand job? :p

:D Well, I can't say that I would, seeing as thousands of years of evolution culminated in me having two hands of mine own in which to pleasure myself with. Given that is their only purpose (how could that possibly be considered idle anyway?) I'm too poor to waste the money. However, one day when I'm rich and famous I'll spend it constantly on gratuitous sexual favors with considerably unattractive (I'll assume - you said no) Ruskies.

Thanks for letting me vent my life aspirations. :p

Meanwhile somewhere in Hollywood:


dt were playing House of Blues the following day...