The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing


seen after that Germany won against Austria :lol:
They're all annoying. And those who don't care about football/soccer are probably equally annoying when it comes to their favorite passion, except they're not enough to make much noise (at least in Europe). In short, screw them all and let's just sit back and listen to DT.
what is really annoying is that i live near a quite big street junction, so i probabily get to hear all the people who decided to get wild after they won... i wouldnt mind if it didnt last so long (sometimes up to 2hrs after the end of the game) because then i cant sleep.

the turks were actually the worst, at one point past midnight came like 10 cars honking like mad, people getting out of the cars while waiting for the traffic lights... and they were followed by 2 police motorbikes
Yeah, I was mostly referring to nightly disturbance as well. I mean, it also bothers me when I overhear young people talking to each other and calling Italy's team "the guys", because it's a level of automatic confidentiality I think should be reserved for your greatest idols (and despite their interest in soccer I cringe at the thought of somebody identifying themselves with the players, or accepting them as role models). But I could live with that because I never get to spend more than a couple of minutes with such people anyway. The prolonged celebrations, however, are a different story.
@Rahvin: Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact, "my guys" and "your guys" are seeing each other this sunday, I've heard, that's why you are so cranky about this, you foresee imminent defeat. :heh:

And btw, now that I realize about your avatar, I wonder what's the bearded guy doing with his hand, is he licking something? :rolleyes:

|ng (passion for unpeeled tropical fruits)
@Rahvin: Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact, "my guys" and "your guys" are seeing each other this sunday, I've heard, that's why you are so cranky about this, you foresee imminent defeat. :heh:

Well, everybody knows that "my guys" haven't taken a beating from "your guys" in four score years and some!* Which means that by the implacable logic of statistics next Sunday's result will be in favor of Spain and the universe will implode. Reason enough to get a little cranky, don't you think? What with imminent destruction of the planet and no one ever knowing how Lost ends and all.

And btw, now that I realize about your avatar, I wonder what's the bearded guy doing with his hand, is he licking something? :rolleyes:

He's coughing phlegm. :mad:

*Disclaimer: so I've heard.
Well, everybody knows that "my guys" haven't taken a beating from "your guys" in four score years and some!* Which means that by the implacable logic of statistics next Sunday's result will be in favor of Spain and the universe will implode. Reason enough to get a little cranky, don't you think? What with imminent destruction of the planet and no one ever knowing how Lost ends and all.

For some reason, the "I accidentally broke your leg, I'm sorry" tactic used by your guys never seemed so ethically correct to me. Effective, though.

On the other hand, I must admit that the end of all things sounds like a pleasant future to me, as long as my guys kick your guy's asses. Pay attention to the dreaded signals: price of the oil increasing at hilarious rates, disappointing new Futurama storylines, old bearded guys with respiratory problems... Spain is gonna win!!! I would have preferred the seven plagues of Egypt, if you ask me.

|ng (go, go, Spain!!)

Edit: Since I'm catalan, my sense of patrotism should aim to a national catalan team. So, let's re-direct: go, go, Catalunya!!!
I'm back. I'd also like to add that I couldn't care less about soccer. Good ole' USA has no place in the countries where "futbol" reigns, for the mere fact that we can't dominate anyone else in it (that and the only international soccer I watch is the World Cup, and that's so I can root for England and Germany, the two countries that comprise the majority of my heritage). Go American Football WOOOOOO.
Good thing you're not watching the Euro then or else you'd be lacking 50% of your rooting-for material!

:Smug: I can't wait till Germany lose to... y'know, to... there's that team who... ah, who am I kidding, the championship is as good as theirs.

DoC, you do realise that rooting for England and Germany is a bit like rooting for the Redskins and the Cowboys?
Actually, they might just lose the match against turkey. I hope they wont or else we'll never hear the end of it. Then again, when they win, Im not sure we'll see an end to the civil unrest that ensues anytime soon :Smug:
I'd also like to add that I couldn't care less about soccer.

I agree with you. I don't even know the sport soccer. I like football though.

Of course I am rooting for Germany, the Portugal game was awesome (the others definitely were not).

I just came back from a 6-day-trip from Ibiza and had a lot of fun. The reason was the end of school, so I went with a bunch of friends. Weather was nothing but perfect, beach and sea were great and everything else was awesome as well. Maybe I will post some pictures later.
DoC, you do realise that rooting for England and Germany is a bit like rooting for the Redskins and the Cowboys?

I had no idea. That's the beauty in ignorance :p. Still hoping Germany beats Turkey though, couldn't help but hear about that. Nice run the Turks are putting together.

I agree with you. I don't even know the sport soccer. I like football though.

Shouldn't you be looking at your penis, wiseass? :p

blah blah blah awesome trip nude pics etc blah

Good to hear you had a great time. I do hope you enjoyed yourself.

Also @Suwat: Did you find the Fiction Expanded Edition at a local store? I can't find it locally and a quick (and I do mean quick) internet search turned up very little in regard of American retail. Any help? Also, yes, soccer/futbol is boring (but don't tell Europe, shhhhhh).
Also @Suwat: Did you find the Fiction Expanded Edition at a local store? I can't find it locally and a quick (and I do mean quick) internet search turned up very little in regard of American retail. Any help? Also, yes, soccer/futbol is boring (but don't tell Europe, shhhhhh).

Yup, a shop here in Chicago called Metal Haven

You could give Hot Topic a ring, they might have it.
Actually, they might just lose the match against turkey. I hope they wont or else we'll never hear the end of it. Then again, when they win, Im not sure we'll see an end to the civil unrest that ensues anytime soon :Smug:

I was considering your situation in the light of what Dark Silence mentioned. On the one hand, at least one side is going to cry themselves to sleep instead of cavorting in the streets until the light of dawn. On the other, one side is definitely going to make it to the final game so... yeah.

Any one else find soccer boring besides me?

Absolutely. The only sporting activity more boring to watch is bycicle racing.
So how aboot those Flames, eh?

Penguins :worship:

Did you find the Fiction Expanded Edition at a local store? I can't find it locally and a quick (and I do mean quick) internet search turned up very little in regard of American retail. Any help?

If you're in Pittsburgh Eide's Entertainment ( has/had the Expanded
as I remember they wanted $19.99(maybe $24.99?) + tax
Why not order it from Century Media its only $12 + $3 postage
CM always sends stickers, promo/compilation CDs with all orders -