The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

For the past week and a bit I've been falling asleep to the sound of an owl hooting in the distance. It sounded like it was coming from the park about 500 yards away. A nice sound indeed. Very relaxing. Some nights I found myself focusing on nothing but the sound and the silence between it's calls. I felt myself lucky to be able to lay in bed and hear off in the distance an owl singing it's song.

However while on a night walk tonight I actually discovered it is not an owl hooting out a lullaby, but an elderly lady suffering from dementia, screaming out in terror from her window at the old peoples home right next to the park.

One night I held my phone out of the window so my girlfriend could hear "the owl" hooting.

I have also spent some time talking to my friends and thinking about "the owl" during the quiet hours of my days.
That's... twisted. Not that you enjoyed it, but it's just a rather twisted ending to the story. Damn.

In other news, I'm posting from my home computer, which is now dual-booting, currently on the Ubuntu half. This linux thing is kinda catchy - you know, if I knew anything about linux. I'm just afraid it's a fad. Like the interwebs.

Say 1 TB WD external hard drive on sale.

Can't sleep.

Can't masturbate... at normal pace.

Can't... wait... any longer...

Must... have it.

New PC is coming tomorrow!
@kc: creepy. four years ago or so, i spent about six months trying to figure out why at a certain time in the morning i would always hear the same sound, which was a human voice articulating a specific sequence of words, only the words didn't make sense. i first thought about animals, television ditties, whatever - and then realized that in the house fronting mine there was an old man who would sit on his porch always at the same time in the morning and vocalize something mysterious. he certainly had some form of mental illness, even if i do not know which. i must admit that i am glad that i can't hear him anymore, since i moved.

@the calogero brigade: well, i'm not sure i want a secret admirer who is/was a greek monk, but the story was fun. and it was made quintessentially surreal by the fact that, of all things, a newbie popped up out of nowhere to break the flow.
KC: You story made me think of two things; an old man at a home for old people i was working at a few years ago, who was also suffering from dementia, used to imitate a cuckoo's sound, and somehow; a couple of Lovecraft stories, although I right now can't remember the names of the specific stories I have in mind.

On another note, I'm doing my last day of my internship today. Feels really good.

And yeah, 1 TB certainly holds a lot videos...
nf: i feel my focus shift.

but then again it's too early in the morning to even think about thinking, let alone anything else.
In other news, I'm posting from my home computer, which is now dual-booting, currently on the Ubuntu half. This linux thing is kinda catchy - you know, if I knew anything about linux. I'm just afraid it's a fad. Like the interwebs.


Let me know how you feel about it... I'm considering loading my PC with it.
Yeah, I'll give it a shot as well :)

Just wanted to post this: got my new PC in the mail today with a motherfucking 22" flat panel (boy, it looks so much smaller on the shelves in stores!), already got top of the line DirectX 9 videocard for it and extra 2 GB RAM stick (hail newegg!); making grand total up to massive 3.5 GBs - AFAIK maximum for 32-bit OS/Intel chipsets with 512 MBs of dedicated DDR3 video memory (7950GT from BFG).

Gotta get 500 GB internal hard drive (changed my mind about a TB one), and hopefully I'll be all set for another 3 years.
I owned around a dozen machines since 1998, and I haven't had a decent gaming one even once, this is as close as I'm going to get to hi-end so far; my current goal is to run F.E.A.R. at max settings - it should have >50 FPS on everything cranked up on highest resolution according to tests I looked through today :)

My photoprocessing software is also FLYING.

New laptop is coming in in about a week or so, I guess I'll be selling my old shit some time soon.
That's the way to go I think, I bought a top notch machine 5 years ago and replaced a few parts here and there, and it's still good today. Go big, and they tend to last longer.
Yeah, mine would last another 2 years, but MB died :S

is it irony or what: my power supply doesn't have enough cables to power a new VC :D Is that irony or what? =)

p.s.: now it does.
talk of new computers fills me with envy. although to be honest i have become a single entity with my laptop, he's now nearly two and has travelled over oceans and land with me, we do have a special relationship and i love him dearly. :p