Holy. fucknig. Shit. I've been drinking for the last three hours., and I'm still way more coherent than you, you incpompetent, metally inferior little baboon.
Were you born, or did your mother simply shit you out and leave you to the mercy of the elements? I bet you were raised by a family of toads, because thaey felt sorry for your small mental capacity.
Ah, another fucking JEwhater. Face it, kido - it's jealousy. You've been OWNED by the Vast Zionist Conspiracy, and you're hating us becuase of it. But it asin't gonna solve anything, because no matter how much you bitch, you're still a mongloid, subhuman, goat-molesting, useless, pathetic, miserable little troglodyte.
Go get cancer and save us all a headache.
This has been a public service announcment from youe friendly neighborhood Drunken Jewfro.
Happy fucking new year. \m/