the new look paddys band of the week

metal paddy

call me paddy the mod
Sep 26, 2005
now after such a bad new paddy is back with the all new band of the week there are some very jealous people out there say paddy is fake and he is not a real heavy metal fan and that he is a arsehole and liar well not everyone is lucky like paddy and so fucking what. Right the band is the german thrash metal band DESTRUCTION]
It´s a pity that a lot of the young people don´t care about this band, even if they release new albums. The advantage is, that you can get the classics even on vinyl for a cheap price. Got the "Mad butcher" PicLP for myself for about 3.- Euros about a year ago....:headbang:
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Good choice. My family is so metal that my 6-year old son has a Destruction poster on the door to his room.:kickass:

Nice going mate.

My son (2 and 1/4) bangs that head and pumps that fist in the air to many of the classic thrash bands. He doesn't like Doom though, so I'm thinking of trading him in...:headbang:
They were great up til Cracked Brain *shudders*. Nowdays, the kids do seem to like them, whereas the oldies generally prefer the original 80's stuff.