the new look paddys band of the week

Carcassian said:
Nice going mate.

My son (2 and 1/4) bangs that head and pumps that fist in the air to many of the classic thrash bands. He doesn't like Doom though, so I'm thinking of trading him in...:rock:
that it dude lets start rocking in the free world and drink plenty of beer:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
metal paddy said:
hey carcassian dude look at my avatar thats for you my :

:rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass:

Now all you have to do is listen to Screamin' Daemon, The Enchanted and For Ruin for al things great, current and British (except for ruin, who are paddies)