The new Opeth sounds fucking amazing

I was about to say "pastime isn't a word hahha" but then I did a preemptive Google as any respectable shit-talker should and realized I would be very wrong. I always thought it was "past time" or "pasttime".

The spelling is weird though, it almost seems like it should be pronounced "puh-steem" or "puh-steem-eh". Why isn't it "passtime"? I mean, those two words together are the literal definition of what it means.

English is fucked.
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this thread...

i like the new Opeth and the last two albums they did, i listen to those cd's like once or twice a year...

couple of nice bands to check out after reading this shit thread too xD
You aren't wrong that I have mentioned numerous times that I do prefer someone that actually even tries to sing, and yeah, I have stated more than once that I just can't get into most black or death bands. Like I said in the private message though, you seem to think it's always either/or to the extreme. Either I like ALL black and death vocalists, or that means that I dislike ALL of them. That's just ridiculous.

Here, I'll say what I guess I've never said before, even though it should have been painfully obvious: I like melody in vocals, and to me, going "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh" or "gugblarg, guggabragabug, gugbrarg, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" through the entire song isn't melody. That's not singing to me, it's simply noise, and that's what the vast majority of these kinds of bands are doing. I've even given multiple examples of bands that I like that have black or death vocals, yet you keep trying to convince me repeatedly that I don't actually like them.


It's simply, factually incorrect that all I post are the kinds of bands that you claim that I do, even if I happen to post more like that than anyone else here. I mean holy shit, in this very thread I've given examples, one of which you've even commented on liking. But I guess despite the fact that I said that's the kind of music I'm looking for, and despite the fact that you seemed to think it was good, I guess I was only looking for that kind of stuff for you, not me. You claim to not care for labeling something, but you seem hell-bent on putting me in some kind of neat, tidy box for whatever reason. The most fucked up thing about this is that you would probably never have gone down this line of thinking if I had not posted the "cheese" videos, despite that fact that it could have been something that I was secretly listening to all this time. For all you know, my favorite genres could actually be country and rap.

And really man, I'm not offended, or emotionally invested in this shit. If it seems like for whatever reason I am, I'm not. I simply cannot fucking understand your logic at all.

I was about to say "pastime isn't a word hahha" but then I did a preemptive Google as any respectable shit-talker should and realized I would be very wrong. I always thought it was "past time" or "pasttime".

The spelling is weird though, it almost seems like it should be pronounced "puh-steem" or "puh-steem-eh". Why isn't it "passtime"? I mean, those two words together are the literal definition of what it means. English is fucked.

It's funny that you mention this. I used to think similarly, but then just kind of came to the conclusion that it must be some strange amalgamation of pass and past. Instead of past-time or "pass-time", they just shortened it. No one ever said that English always made any sense though.

Don't think of it as "puh" though, look at it more like "paz".
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You aren't wrong that I have mentioned numerous times that I do prefer someone that actually even tries to sing, and yeah, I have stated more than once that I just can't get into most black or death bands. Like I said in the private message though, you seem to think it's always either/or to the extreme. Either I like ALL black and death vocalists, or that means that I dislike ALL of them. That's just ridiculous.

Here, I'll say what I guess I've never said before, even though it should have been painfully obvious: I like melody in vocals, and to me, going "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" or "gugblarg, guggabragabug, gugbrarg, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" isn't melody. That's not singing to me, it's simply noise, and that's what the vast majority of these kinds of bands are doing. I've even given multiple examples of bands that I like that have black or death vocals, yet you keep trying to convince me repeatedly that I don't actually like them.


It's simply, factually WRONG that all I post are the kinds of bands that you claim that I do, even if I happen to post more like that than anyone else here.

So wait, you think unclean vocals suck, but you tolerate some extreme bands in spite of them?
Talkingbackwards, really it's not a big deal AT ALL, man. Honestly. I just came to the conclusion that you often lean towards the cheesier side of metal. That doesn't mean you ONLY listen to that, but you DO have a proclivity for prog, power, and cheese, even if at times you break ranks and post some heavy, extreme stuff that's a little out of character for you. I'm not telling you what to be or even what you are, I'm just extrapolating what you have led me to believe about your musical tastes, man. It's really not a big deal.

And yes, I wouldn't have come to the conclusion that you like that sort of metal if you hadn't posted so many of them, but the entire reason I did come to that conclusion is because YOU TEND TO POST LOTS OF CHEESY METAL. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you see how ridiculous this is? I know pretty much everyone's musical leanings on this forum and they know mine BECAUSE WE'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT IT FOR LITERALLY 15 YEARS.

I know Kevin loves groove metal, brutal death metal, tech death, and a few off-the-wall things. Max loves folk metal, black folk metal, black metal, old school death metal, doom metal, and sometimes power metal. Krig loves brutal death, thrash, some folk metal, and is an avid Star Wars fan like myself. They all know I like doom, black, some death, stoner, sludge, thrash, a very select few power metal bands, 90s and grunge, and melodic, depressing metal. We've practically grown up online together, believe it or not. My entire 20s and over half of my 30s have been spent laughing, arguing, making fun of, debating, high-fiving, and pissing in each others' faces about nearly every conceivable topic. We've gone from fanboys of Nevermore to angry and bitter to openly insulting to ambivalence together. Just by being a sounding board and posting walls of text (like this one) while getting massive eyerolls, this forum helped me over the course of about five years exorcise demons that I had about the US, politics, music, and life in general after my separation from the military and the pent up anger and aggression that I had because of certain events. Some drink themselves to death, blow their brains out, or overdose on drugs; I decided to vent my anger and frustration in a place that wouldn't get me in trouble and in a way that helped me cope. We've seen forum friends kill themselves both willfully and not, as well as a few deaths from sicknesses. Is it such a difficult thing to believe that we would eventually come to know each others' proclivities for something as banal as musical tastes?

Therefore, don't take it as a slight if you have a certain "reputation" for liking cheesy metal based on what you yourself have posted over the last four years or so. Own it and just move on because no one cares in the slightest. We're here to give different points of view and toss new music at each other.
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this thread...

i like the new Opeth and the last two albums they did, i listen to those cd's like once or twice a year...

couple of nice bands to check out after reading this shit thread too :rofl:

Quick, bail out while you can, lest you get the same accusation chair thrown at you.

So wait, you think unclean vocals suck, but you tolerate some extreme bands in spite of them?

Haha. I am literally rolling my eyes now. The comment has been made before about how "clean" vocals (whatever the fuck your actual definition of that is) wouldn't fit over certain types of music. For some music, I suppose that can be true, but then look at all of the criticism Nevermore got by many people. "Oh, I think the music is awesome, but god, those horrible vocals!" just because they weren't on the extreme side. Anyway, as hard as this is to believe (and I'll still probably be called a liar even after posting this), I actually came to appreciate more extreme vocals a long fucking time ago. I've even given examples (again in a PM) of the kinds of vocals that I simply can't stand, or even tolerate at all though, no matter how much I might like the music. Get this, I actually enjoy certain types of extreme vocals. Unless I'm just mistaken, and now somehow Opeth is 100% clean singing, or their death growls are now no longer considered "harsh" or "extreme". :tickled:

With very few exceptions however, I like extreme vocals as a type of embellishment or break. It's why I won't really listen to something like Bloodbath all that much. On that same note, despite the repeated claims to the contrary, I can't stand shit like this, at all:

I also don't like Dream Theater aside from a handful of songs, and it's like I'm having this same argument with someone else, but at the opposite end of the spectrum. A friend of mine thinks I'm just "stupid" because I can't get into Dream Theater, just because I happen to like a few Queensryche albums, or a few songs off of two Haken albums.

Oh, and this will probably blow your mind; know what one of my top three favorite Opeth songs is, and that includes the vocals too?

You know what the most noticeable thing about those vocals is though? You can perfectly fucking understand everything he's saying.
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Get this, I actually enjoy certain types of extreme vocals.

Like what? Honestly I can't think of any bands with extreme vocals where I've been put off by the vocals alone, seeing as they tend not to be the focus of the music. Clean vocals are much more divisive for me (I couldn't get past how terrible Warrel Dane's vocals were for years, although I've kind of half come round to them now).
Talkingbackwards, you DO realize that those are quite literally THE WORST the genre has to offer, right?

When I say "prog", that's all-encompassing. It doesn't necessarily mean pristine-clean, wimpy vocalists, sweep picking and 7/4 time signatures. If there are polyrhythms, contratempi, jazzy interludes, odd time signatures, and just overly technical stuff, guess what? It's progressive metal.

Yes, Nevermore is a rather progressive melodic thrash band, but they're rather original and they stand apart from most others. Personally, I love Wally's voice because of his lower register, not his upper. That is what sealed the deal for me. It's progressive but doesn't sound like "prog".

So yes, djent, tech death, progressive death, etc. is all under the umbrella of "progressive metal" because they all dabble into prog at least a little bit. Anciients is a prime example of how a stoner doom band can be very prog but still be listenable to my ears. What I've been saying until now is that you tend to like everything with a prog touch. You gravitate towards more progressive-sounding bands because you obviously derive pleasure from complex and complicated music. I tend to shy away from that style because it bores me. I feel that the songwriting is rarely up there with the musicianship.
but then look at all of the criticism Nevermore got by many people. "Oh, I think the music is awesome, but god, those horrible vocals!" just because they weren't on the extreme side.

Uh, no. No no no no no. Warrel has a very distinct, unique voice. It's flat and it's very atypical of even metal singers and it's very polarizing. Some people like it and others can't stand it. It has nothing to do with it not being extreme, it has to do with how some people hear a flat, clean vocalist. It works for him because it's his style, but for some people it's just annoying because they dislike flat singers. Most of those people tend to be big into prog and power metal where the singers are all perfect all the time and everything's tuned to E.

Other singers who are polarizing like that are/were Layne Staley, Jerry Cantrell, and Billy Corgan. Cantrell has a really, really flat voice.

BTW, do you play a musical instrument or sing? I'm not saying that you can't relate unless you're a musician, but when you play music and know how music works, your opinions and understanding of music changes drastically...sometimes irrevocably ruining what you love.
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You know what the most noticeable thing about those vocals is though? You can perfectly fucking understand everything he's saying.

That's because it's Mikael fucking Akerfeldt. He's basically the Pavarotti of death metal. You're comparing a literal one in a billion with dimes a dozen.

If your criteria is mainly comprehension with death growling, you should try Morbid Angel's Domination album. David Vincent has a very clear death growl. It's nothing compared to the eight wonder of the world that is the voice of Mikael Akerfeldt but it's very clear.
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Like what? Honestly I can't think of any bands with extreme vocals where I've been put off by the vocals alone, seeing as they tend not to be the focus of the music. Clean vocals are much more divisive for me (I couldn't get past how terrible Warrel Dane's vocals were for years, although I've kind of half come round to them now).

You know what? As I was searching for these songs, I was suddenly reminded of something I've known all along. It's not just the vocals that tend to grate me. It's the combination of vocals and the music. In the case of black metal at least, blast beats and the same monotonus picking does nothing for me. Also, I honestly can't tell if I just don't like the black metal vocals at all, or if it's the god awful production (which is my biggest criticism about most black metal) heard on most of the "true" albums. Similarly, it's hard for me to find anything memorable most of the time in technical death other than virtuosity.

I find these songs catchy as hell, and I couldn't see them working at all with just "cleaner" vocals:

< Oh shit, one example that might have what's considered "80s" in it, so everything else after is completely invalidated!

< Oh shit, this *is* from the 80s. Probably not really considered extreme though since you can understand what he's saying.

< Probably not "true" though since the production isn't 100% garage. Get that poser shit outta here!
< Does this even count? By the standards here, it's hard to know.
< Not a "real" black metal band, therefore, not "real" black metal vocals. /yawn

What I find to be really humorous in all of this though is that one reason I don't post a lot of the bands similar to those above is because they've already been posted by everyone else, countless times. Plus, that's almost exclusively what everyone else has been posting for like the last six years. It was almost like the hand of god reached down and created the thread for Twelve Foot Ninja, by how rare stuff like that being posted by anyone else is.
Talkingbackwards, you DO realize that those are quite literally THE WORST the genre has to offer, right?

Yes, but because of your insistence that I tend to gravitate towards distinctly 80s shit, with your repeated "just stick with prog" or "Halford" comments, that's the kind of stuff that came to mind. I absolutely do not like that at all, although I did go through a brief phase A LONG TIME AGO where I listened to a lot of bands that sounded like that; trying to actually find something to enjoy.

As far as power metal goes, I honestly don't even know how to answer that. Of the "power metal bands" that I think I've listened to, the only ones that I particularly cared for were from the US. But do you know why? Because they tend to be a lot heavier, and a hell of a lot darker than the majority of Flower Metal crap from Europe. In all honesty, I can't even really name more than maybe two "power metal" bands right now that I like, and I don't even know if they really are power metal bands with how many other styles they've incorporated and how they've changed through the years. The same two bands that were just recently mentioned again: Iced Earth and Nevermore. Iced Earth was more of a thrash band starting out though, and Nevermore's first album and EP were closer to power metal, but then they quickly shifted way off course starting with Politics. Get this; I didn't even hear Sanctuary until three years after listening to Nevermore. I wasn't even sure that it was actually the same vocalist either, or that he wasn't using some kind of studio tricks. When I heard both of the Sanctuary albums, I thought "Wow, that's kind of cool", but I greatly prefer his vocal style with Nevermore, by far.

What the hell is Blind Guardian? Because to me, that's definitely power metal, but they too started out as more of a thrash band. And hell, I don't even really like more than three of their albums all that much. What is Demon's and Wizards?

If there are polyrhythms, contratempi, jazzy interludes, odd time signatures, and just overly technical stuff, guess what? It's progressive metal. So yes, djent, tech death, progressive death, etc. is all under the umbrella of "progressive metal" because they all dabble into prog at least a little bit. Anciients is a prime example of how a stoner doom band can be very prog but still be listenable to my ears. What I've been saying until now is that you tend to like everything with a prog touch. You gravitate towards more progressive-sounding bands because you obviously derive pleasure from complex and complicated music. I tend to shy away from that style because it bores me. I feel that the songwriting is rarely up there with the musicianship.

Fine, I go cuckoo for progressive metal, although that term is almost exclusively used for bands of the Dream Theater archetype, and something like Opeth is specifically called progressive-death. Yeah, it IS "progressive metal", but it's a subgenre, and I consider them to be distinctly different. If progressive simply means a variety of styles within a song, then yep, that's definitely what my favorite style is. What I don't care for is musical mastrubation though. Showing off doesn't impress me in the slightest.

Uh, no. No no no no no. Warrel has a very distinct, unique voice. It's flat and it's very atypical of even metal singers and it's very polarizing. Some people like it and others can't stand it. It has nothing to do with it not being extreme, it has to do with how some people hear a flat, clean vocalist. It works for him because it's his style, but for some people it's just annoying because they dislike flat singers. Most of those people tend to be big into prog and power metal where the singers are all perfect all the time and everything's tuned to E.

While I'm sure that's true for some people, I know for a fact that it isn't the only reason for everyone. Most of the time whenever I've seen the vocals criticized, someone will say crap like "those gay ass power metal vocals don't fit at all" and "if only the vocal were HEAVIER".

BTW, do you play a musical instrument or sing? I'm not saying that you can't relate unless you're a musician, but when you play music and know how music works, your opinions and understanding of music changes drastically...sometimes irrevocably ruining what you love.

I've been playing bass since '91, and my best friend since '89 plays guitar and sings. His biggest influences were Sebastian Bach, Geoff Tate and Bruce Dickinson though. :)

Plus, you tried to use this years ago for similar validation.

That's because it's Mikael fucking Akerfeldt. He's basically the Pavarotti of death metal. You're comparing a literal one in a billion with dimes a dozen.

If your criteria is mainly comprehension with death growling, you should try Morbid Angel's Domination album. David Vincent has a very clear death growl. It's nothing compared to the eight wonder of the world that is the voice of Mikael Akerfeldt but it's very clear.

I totally agree with this. This is exactly my problem. Opeth was also pretty much my "gateway" into more extreme styles of music (quite a few years before Opeth was "cool"). While I had heard plenty of bands years before them, I just couldn't get into them at all. I almost couldn't even get into Opeth either, but they suddenly just clicked. You mentioned taking music and just having it playing in the background or whatever. That's exactly how my transition from "not getting it" to "loving the hell out of this" happened, and every since then, Akerfeldt has pretty much been the standard for me. So I guess that's why most everything else has been so unsatisfactory.

Also, for all of the bands with more extreme vocals that I've listened to over the years, and as much as I absolutely love their earlier albums...I literally cringe at In Flames vocals. I mean, I've gotten used to them, but fuck. I just cannot like them at all. I don't know what it is about his voice, but it always makes me think of a sobbing witch or something.
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