The new pic thread

eRraZib_ENo said:

...and I thought no hat would ever fit with my style.
You look so pretty! :D

Kovenant84 said:
.... What in the hell kind of hat is that? And how the hell did I miss that picture??

Great halloween costume! (I think.... :p)


It's more of a too much Scotch costume and it wasn't for Halloween at all, we were having a goodbye party for two of my friends who are leaving (today, actually) for South America for the next 10 months. (yes, I am a bit sad but I'll keep that for the chat thread.)

That hat simply came out of some random void and found its way on top of my head.
I shall be posting a picture of my brother Sunday night. I know he doesn't post here, but he had one of the best halloween costumes I've seen in a while.

He went as an emo kid.

He actually looks like the frontman from Fall Out Boy, if the dude lost about 45 pounds. Unfortunately, he had to shave the goatee he tried to steal from me in order to pull it off. In any case, the funny will be Sunday.

We'll go see my grandparents this weekend and my family is gonna be there, too, so hopefully I'll get the beer-video from my little brother I wanted :D
Yeah, so as promised (and though none of you really care), here's my brother Timm's (yes, two 'm's) halloween costume. I'm still looking for the pics of his roomate's 'Timm' costume. I heard it was pretty funny. This is to make up for a lack of pics of me in costume (as I had none), and also to prove that there is yet another person out there that looks just like me. But thinner.




EDIT: Yeah, btw, those jeans are a women's size 4. Some girl he knows lent them to him for the night.
Did he actually wear underwear?

Nah, he doesn't look emo. A striving artist on anti-something hunger strike - may be, but emo - no... also, I can't see slit wrists and make up... sooooo...
Well the main problem with his costume was that he kept cracking up. But he wanted to do the whole makeup gig, but people were getting scared enough as is, so he left it as such. It made him look more 'wannabe emo' than 'actual emo'. I think his main problem was that he tried to combine about three different costumes into one. A) The whole emo bit, B) Weird wannabe emo - pop bands like Fall Out Boy, and C) the whole myspace scene. Thus the random pictures of him staring into corners. They fucked taht one up too, because they didn't even bother taking them in black and white.

It was still pretty damn funny though. Especially his realization that women's pants really aren't comfortable for guy parts.

And yes, he wore underwear. And yes, he's starving. Dude can't gain weight to save his life. It's kinda scary.

Haha, the funniest part was that it took him about half the night to realize what was wrong. The dude is crazy skinny, because he's been running so much and simply eats so little (I mean, it works for him, he's down to about 27 min for 5 miles). But he was very distressed when he realized that the jeans didn't really have any 'give' to them where he needed it. Unfortunately, they were out somewhere at the time, and he couldn't change, so he had to suffer for an hour or two before he could get out of costume.

About 50 months ago: I started randomly hugging approaching people hoping to score some band members... and Martin H. fell victim of that.


Photo was taken by a scary dude Fred who used to work for the Troc, and who I never saw ever since =)

p.s. My fucking God, I'm about to go blind looking at all these old pics of me :D
And Pliny's sex appeal just went down to -10.


Holy shit you look terrible!!!


Anyways, great pic, where/when was that? I guess it was when DT toured the US or something huh?


You look like a friggin' corpse :lol: .

@Kov: Yeah, your brudder's costume is quite terrible, not only for being Emo itself, but it just plain sucks hehehe :p :puke: .

I'm one scary motherfucker - Martin ran away that time... allegedly in tears, but no one can confirm that.

It was very first dt's North American tour, show #179 on September 25th 2002, Philadelphia, The Troc, In Flames headlining tour.

50.50 months ago... I'm pretty sure you were still in kindergarten ;)

p.s. And believe me - I looked much worse a few years ago ;) Like you wouldn't believe, but plastic surgery does wonders these days.
^ :lol:

Sadly enough, Martin did not ran fast enough, adn finally was caught up by "Weir-looking Plinypoo."

Cool hehe, glad youy caught DT's 1st US tour eva.

Well, I wasn't in kindergarten, I was on...let me see...hmmm...10th grade! :p Meaning that I was 16 years old. Hehe you should see my face, I look like a 12 year-old kid!

Actually I started getting a "grown up" face till last year hehe :rolleyes: :p .

But still Pliny, nothing vompared to you whatever you call that :zombie: .