The new pic thread

The picture in which I look exactly like him is the small picture of Stanne in the Haven booklet. Scared me as hell the first time I saw that pic.

Other than that I'll take it as a compliment ;)

Spike : thanks. You should check out the website indeed, a very nice band from where I come from, formed by six friends of mine.

I'll try to come here more often.
my boyfriend's dog, alex:

she's the cutest, except she farts a lot.
This is Li San, NOT bumping this decrepit thread, with a pic of her bf's dawg, Rob/Alex/Faggor. ;)

@Violet: Thanks! Was a bit tipsy on my birthday :)

@Tutu: Yeah, she is but annoying as heck when she goes through the trash. She rocks though. When I'm down she gives me puppy kisses :) The cat pic won't load for me.
I would like to introduce myself to this board. tattooedsean at your service. I have included a pic of myself and my metal kitty willow. Lucky(RIP) is the black cat who never found food she didn't enjoy. Charlie is the snake. He was one of 5 I had.





no, I don't dress like that for home, we just got back from the Vreid/Enslaved/Moonspell concert. Pavica wants to sharpen her fangs on my boots. :D