The new pic thread

@gav: no, it's sort of a scarf. my shirt on that day was a boring dark green if i recall correctly.

@siren: and you say that because you actually haven't seen tim, who is really worse than any living being when it comes to fashion sense.

@nick: oh, come on, it's just two helmets, not a thousand. :p
since i took my old domain down and i had to de-link the conference pics, i believe there's no more pics of me on this thread (or there will not be after de-activation of the domain is complete)... too bad. here's a new one for your enjoyment - originally taken for another forum, which would justify the bottle of wine.


Very nice pics :)

But now for something completely different.. 2 photos I took last thursday




A photo of my universitie's skyline.. the tower is for microgravity research :)
Ok - I have a request. If possible, could someone with a scanner and the Lim. Ed. of Character send me nice sized pics of it? I have the cd right here, but unfortunately, no way to get it into my computer, and I'm too impatient to wait until I can get back to my parent's to scan it in there.

I'm attempting to make my phone look exceptionally cool and such. Thanks :)


EDIT: Actually, doesn't need to be the Lim. Ed. version. Could just be some of the inside of the booklet or some such. In fact, if anyone has any good ideas for which part of the booklet to make into a cool phone-cover, I'd be happy to hear :). I've currently been leaning towards the 'Mind-Matters' page, and the very inside of the back of the booklet.
here are some pics of yesterday's party... heh I decided to follow TFH's advice on my costume


my best friend and me


we were "dancing" so naturally one can asume that i was drunk by then


we were all wearing cute pink eyeshadow