The new pic thread

Gtranquillity said:
Gorgeous cat! Beautiful colors. Is she yours?
@mag: you look really, really good. i'm glad for your girlfriend. :)

and colombia looks nice, too.
@Mags: I agree with hyena, you look really, really good. I'm jealous of your gf. ;)

edit: i want that blue lizard! :eek:
Thanks, it really is beautiful. The lizard, for instance.. Those things are way too shy and speedy to allow anyone to take a good photo. I took the picture with digital zoom; the blue is unfortunately not as intense as it was in real life..

Your other compliments are too kind.

Siren said:
@Taliesin: you have to look closer... in the 6th pic... she's with friends :D




Some vacation pics from the Edinburgh botanical garden, taken this summer. Unfortunately, due to the crappy nature of our scanner, they don't look quite as good on a computer as they actually are.
@Gtranq: That sunset pic is really amazing. I find it difficult to even conjure images that beautiful in my imagination, and you can photgraph it out of reality. wow.

@Mags: Place looks great. I bet you had a great time. I'm sitting here freezing my balls off and feeling nothing but envy :p .

@NL: That place looks perfectly quaint. It reminds me of this place called Golden Acre Park near where I live. I do love it there. I think your scanner did a fine job, the pictures are of excellent quality. Such great colours. I bet it would be great to shoot a film there.
well, that guy who is not tim takes the prize of "worst clothing of the year". seems like he picked a jacket, pants and tie completely at random. i bet he's wearing different socks too.