The new thing...


Melody be Thy Name
Aug 27, 2004
Las Vegas
The new thing used to be power chords and higher pitched voices.

Then it became a downtuned 6th string, chunking and rough vocals.

Now it's 6,5 and 4 tuned low enough for you to be able to see the sagging of the strings as well as playing in binary tabs.

What's next? Throwing your guitar down a flight of stairs with aircraft carrier cables for strings?
Thraxz said:
What's next? Throwing your guitar down a flight of stairs with aircraft carrier cables for strings?

Response #1 : Yeah. That's exactly what's next. All music that's tuned anything lower than standard is Nu-Metal and it sucks and it's totally talentless and stuff. Yadda yadda, fuck off.

Response #2 : I'm sure Merzbow has sampled that already, or will be in the near future. :lol:
i think its no so much the fault of the tuning (provided its not any lower than C) as it is the fault of the creativity of the majority of the bands using it.
Jean-Pierre said:
arrrggh. Someone needs to tell every "noise" band to just stop.

Or not considering a lot of them are...y'know...brilliant and stuff. They had the balls to make something that has absolutely nothing to do with music as it's commonly seen and to market it as such.

Admit that takes balls.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
They had the balls to make something that has absolutely nothing to do with music as it's commonly seen and to market it as such.

Seriously... thrash is Swedish Dance-Pop compared to HALO. "Riffs" of any kind can't really be considered "extreme" anymore. It's been done.

Silent Song said:
i think its no so much the fault of the tuning (provided its not any lower than C) as it is the fault of the creativity of the majority of the bands using it.

No. You're wrong. Listen to more music.
Music, and I'm speaking about the commercial nature of the business- not the act of creating something, is all about trends. Someone tunes their guitar down. Someone else tunes lower, someone screams higher and longer, or wears even more spandex and has HUGE hair. Wow! They must be better!

I've come to the conclusion that 90% of all music in every genre sucks. It doesn't matter what the intentions are. Too many people are just cows following the herd.

btw, I like noise, or at least 10% of it.
Making something more extreme than something else doesn't make it better. When it ventures into noise and thus outside of music is where it just becomes ridiculous.
Dodens Grav said:
Making something more extreme than something else doesn't make it better. When it ventures into noise and thus outside of music is where it just becomes ridiculous.
Done and done.
Dodens Grav said:
Making something more extreme than something else doesn't make it better. When it ventures into noise and thus outside of music is where it just becomes ridiculous.

Define ridiculous.


No shit you fucking idiot. Hence why everything that I said was said by me, and in my post, thus obviously demonstrating that it is entirely my opinion, and thus my interpretation of said subjective value. Shut the fuck up.
I shouldn't have to put [IMO][/IMO] around every single fucking thing that I say. It's not hard to differentiate between opinion and fact.
Of course lots of music in each genre is going to be crap.

I've thought about this. Back three hundred years ago, there must have been less crappy music, as music making was not widely available. It was generally only available to people who had the money and chose music as a profession. Those were the people who wrote music.

In the last century, we have electricity, and things have been getting cheaper over the past several hundred years. Now any little simpleton can go out and get an electric guitar for a hundred dollars. So we have things like "garage bands" and all this crap.

It's really the same with anything that becomes available to a large group of people, since their will be lots of simple, stupid people in that group. Religion, for example. Take something with good ideas, distribute it, and immediately, some people will figure out how to use it to persecute and control other people. But that's a different topic...
Or maybe I'm completely wrong and the crap from three hundred years ago just hasn't survived.

There's another point. I can feel better about all the crap that comes out now because, in a hundred years, no one will know it. Only the people that actually did something new, important, and different will be remembered.