The News Thread

The only real way for transitional surgeries and HRT to be a solid remedy for what trans people deal with is if all women simultaneously suddenly looked ugly and all men looked feminine.

There will always be a level of feminization and masculinization they can't reach, even within just the trans community, because everybody is lucky and unlucky with their looks. This reality is part of the reason why so many people who purport to care about trans people are trying to essentially destroy beauty standards and guilt men into dating transwomen and women into dating transmen.

I think in terms of passing, transmen may have an easier time of it.
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We have confederate memorials in Washington that keep getting vandalized, I never understood why they'd be as far away from the 'south' as possible. It honestly makes me chuckle to myself how mad the southern heritage supporters get...they're out there on weekends constantly fixing the damage- the state won't pay for it. Personally, I feel like the 'heritage whites' are choosing the wrong place to test their theory on this one.
The only real way for transitional surgeries and HRT to be a solid remedy for what trans people deal with is if all women simultaneously suddenly looked ugly and all men looked feminine.

There will always be a level of feminization they can't reach, even within just the trans community, because everybody is lucky and unlucky with their looks. This reality is part of the reason why so many people who purport to care about trans people are trying to essentially destroy beauty standards and guilt men into dating transwomen and women into dating transmen.

I think in terms of passing, transmen may have an easier time of it.
Unlucky with looks Lol!!! A profound truth that's pretty fucking funny...glad you went there. Bold.
Insanity/madness = characterized in part by animality/primitivism.

Racial otherness = characterized in part by animality/primitivism.

Both of these discourses converge in legal writings from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Criminals were believed to have regressed to a more primitive or animalistic state. Coincidentally, black people and the mentally insane were both associated with the criminal "type."

So again, the discourses were different, but the descriptions overlapped.

The overlap is not purely in discourse, but in access to reason/logic within a paradigm created in western history. When a group lacks the group access to both the cognitive capability (Subsaharan Africa has an average IQ of below 85, maybe as low as <70, and has consistently had such. The caveat is that there may be extreme variability - which is even more problematic for the ones on the wrong tail) and a lack of access to the education (which may or may not do any good - depending on the individual, again - extreme variability), primitivism is not exactly inaccurate. The problem is in equivocating primitivism to animality. Insanity lacks access to logic and reason, but for other reasons.

Wicherts, Dolan, and van der Maas (2009) contend that the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is about 80. A critical evaluation of the studies presented by WDM shows that many of these are based on unrepresentative elite samples.
The four data sets can be averaged to give an IQ of 68 as the best reading of the IQ in sub-Saharan Africa.
When I contracted in the northern Alaska villages, mainly Point Hope and Barrow, the natives have maybe a low broad IQ but can hunt and survive on their own at 8, and 9 years old. I don't think a low IQ necessarily means someone is stupid, sometimes just simple...
When I contracted in the northern Alaska villages, mainly Point Hope and Barrow, the natives have maybe a low broad IQ but can hunt and survive on their own at 8, and 9 years old. I don't think a low IQ necessarily means someone is stupid, sometimes just simple...

Simplicity allows survival in the wild. IE Primitivism. The purely urbanely civilized has less of a chance currently in the wild than the primitive has in the urban civilization, thanks to all the handouts.
Middle men and lawsuit liability has changed how people are raising their kids along with a high rate of kids being raised without a decent father figure if at all, along with a 'Two and a half men' entertainment industry deemed cool for kids. Not to sound like a soup-kitchen Christian but bad ideas hidden behind 'social awareness' is reinforcing codependency on crutch programs as if it's not their fault...after they groomed them to behave this way
The overlap is not purely in discourse, but in access to reason/logic within a paradigm created in western history.

I didn't say there was an overlap in discourse--that's where the significant difference was. I said it was an overlap in function, which can also be described as "access to reason/logic."

I completely understand that there's a distinction to be made between an educated person who suffers from mental imbalance and an uneducated "primitive" with no mental health issues. My point is that both of these categories were historically defined, at least in part, by a specific description: a closeness to their animal natures. These were two different discourses that appealed to the same ostensible content (i.e. an apparent absence of reason). This made it easier for a chain of negative associations to emerge between insanity and racial otherness, even if they were separate discourses: in other words, the primitive quality of slaves made it easier to perceive them as mentally deranged. The discursive difference led to a difference in treatment. Asylums were racially segregated, and lots of "insane" blacks probably never made it into prison (I don't know the stats on this, but it's telling that Foucault's cases never feature black subjects--I'm almost positive the French asylum, Charenton, had no black patients). They would have been sent to detention centers for blacks, or simply "put down." In other words, blacks were more likely to be treated like animals, while whites were more likely to be treated as mad. The discursive differences were strong.

The overlap in content did lead to discursive overlap, as in the formation of the criminal type, which included both the insane and racial others.
In some ways, it's a pity that "survival of the fittest" no longer applies to human society. Otherwise, people stupid enough to vote for Orange Clown or Brexit would never have been able to survive to maturity to ruin the world for the rest of us.
I didn't say there was an overlap in discourse--that's where the significant difference was. I said it was an overlap in function, which can also be described as "access to reason/logic."

I completely understand that there's a distinction to be made between an educated person who suffers from mental imbalance and an uneducated "primitive" with no mental health issues. My point is that both of these categories were historically defined, at least in part, by a specific description: a closeness to their animal natures. These were two different discourses that appealed to the same ostensible content (i.e. an apparent absence of reason). This made it easier for a chain of negative associations to emerge between insanity and racial otherness, even if they were separate discourses: in other words, the primitive quality of slaves made it easier to perceive them as mentally deranged. The discursive difference led to a difference in treatment. Asylums were racially segregated, and lots of "insane" blacks probably never made it into prison (I don't know the stats on this, but it's telling that Foucault's cases never feature black subjects--I'm almost positive the French asylum, Charenton, had no black patients). They would have been sent to detention centers for blacks, or simply "put down." In other words, blacks were more likely to be treated like animals, while whites were more likely to be treated as mad. The discursive differences were strong.

The overlap in content did lead to discursive overlap, as in the formation of the criminal type, which included both the insane and racial others.

Function includes the reason when we conduct an analysis by discourse. A toothpick has the same functional failure (which is essentially "outcome") in holding back a flood as a breached dam. Cognitive incapability can share outcomes with depression. As much as it pains liberals, there is a danger of physical aggression from a lower IQ group - because physical aggression doesn't take much intelligence - and because offense-taking is easier with lesser reasoning ability/skills (which seems almost counter-intuitive given the current environment.). The lack of specifically black cases probably had at least as much to do with the lack of blacks in 18th century France as it did Foucault's and record keeper's own prejudices. I wouldn't lean on that as much as you appear to. France was far ahead of the US in both accepting and stemming African slavery, probably not insignificantly due to the lack of climate/crop-based demand. Of course, morals often lag behind economic need.
You're dragging this off track. Your last post was basically in agreement with me, so it seems as though you misunderstood.

The toothpick analogy doesn't illuminate the distinction we're discussing here. I'm saying that separate discourses (those of mental health and racial otherness) appealed to the same descriptive parameters. That's all.

Historical studies of madness have shown that blacks were usually treated differently than whites. If there were biases in record-keeping (I'm not saying there weren't), they likely don't explain the absence of blacks in mental institutions. Institutions in the southern U.S. had segregated asylums, which they often weren't too interested in filling anyway.
In some ways, it's a pity that "survival of the fittest" no longer applies to human society. Otherwise, people stupid enough to vote for Orange Clown or Brexit would never have been able to survive to maturity to ruin the world for the rest of us.

If Trump ruins America and Brexit ruins England, that would be survival of the fittest at play. You don't even know where you stand on your own opinions. :lol:
Survival of the fittest implies that only the smartest survive. None of the hordes of poorly-educated, low IQ dumbfucks that voted for Trump or Brexit would have survived until maturity to do so if the same survival of the fittest rules in nature applied to human society.