the nicknames thread

The 3rd part should never have been made... Pacino told that himself. Anyways, the frist two parts are grand! I like the first better probably cos of Brando's kick ass performance! I mean the guy seemed almost a real mob boss!
From my website:

Paul was born in 1977 & lived quite normally (apart from a few bashes to the head falling off things)

Aaaanyway, in around 1994, he was abducted by a secret cabal & replaced by a dark haired lookalike, me. His parents never suspected & assumed it was all 'part of growing up'.

In 1997, memories triggered by the consumption of hallucinagenic fungus realised to me that it was my destiny to become the new ruler of Earth. I gathered several of my trusted friends to a secret meeting in which I discussed what I had learned & they decreed that from that point on I would be known as LordPaul.

I started to use the internet the following year & the moniker seemed to translate well, I now have recognition in several places & in 15 years will take my place as per the scrolls of h'ash nashu!
Eos is the greek goddess of dawn (that´s the way we call her in the rest of Europe, in Greece it´s different but anyway Eos sounds better than Ios, how she´s called there ;) ). I got the nick almost 6 years ago so that long story isn´t relevant anymore ;)
Originally posted by sol83
The 3rd part should never have been made... Pacino told that himself. Anyways, the frist two parts are grand! I like the first better probably cos of Brando's kick ass performance! I mean the guy seemed almost a real mob boss!

yeah, not THAT bad, but the 3rd part was ok. but of course nothing beats the first one: the original one!
Real name translates roughly as little deer or fawn so I got nick named Bambi at school for a while...ressurected it when I found wonderful www
Am I the only one who actually liked the third godfather? Tho it's been years since I saw that. Gotta buy those dvds soon...

And as for my nick, well it describes me pretty well :lol: Nah, it's a song of Faith No More for those who didn't know allready...
mine came from dunc.who has christened mny people, like dygga, coomsy, smiggy, mathew the alps etc etc. he asked jamie what me name was and jay said pagan angel, thinking he asked what the band name was!:rolleyes: and that was that, i've been pagan ever since.
I came up with mine having heard this:

Take care...
Mehdi and Omar should know where my nick comes from.
As you can see the little .gif as my avatar, the pisces knight, called Aphrodite, is a character from my fave manga : Saint Seiya, which takes place in Greece.
His partiucularity is his attack : a rose that got stuck in the heart, and kills slowly. niark niark niark :devil: :devil:
Originally posted by aphrodite_knight
Mehdi and Omar should know where my nick comes from.
As you can see the little .gif as my avatar, the pisces knight, called Aphrodite, is a character from my fave manga : Saint Seiya, which takes place in Greece.
His partiucularity is his attack : a rose that got stuck in the heart, and kills slowly. niark niark niark :devil: :devil:
I would be surprised if *anyone* but you could actually see your avatar... You cannot link files to your hdd... You have to upload them somewhere.

Take care...
me nname is the name of a peculiar fish that pple regarded extinct until some fishermen accidentaly rediscoved it in the last century. I chose it carefully, as you can see the end bit of the word is a little similar to the beginning part of the word anathema..he he... also it is fun being a fish that has been into anathema's music since the jurassic age:D

@aphrodite knight: I think your avatar is a little too mysterious, try doing what has just been suggested
a bit late for this thread but anyway.
my nickname(originally aþure) is also the name of a delicious Turkish dessert,well maybe some kind of a Turkish delight :lol: :p