The Norwegian Thread

I hate these threads, I mean.. Norsk isn't THAT hard to understand, but sometimes it is and I can't understand anything ;_;. It creates some confusion.
^Haha, sorry! :lol: It was some invented stuff I came up with, for no reason... I only wanted to make someone go "whaaaat is that?!" and laugh... :)
Haha, jeg skulle male garasjen i dag, og ble lei etter 5 minutter. Da tenkte jeg at litt musikk ville hjelpe, så jeg gikk inn, satt på Behemoth - Zos Kïa Cvltvs albumet, skrudde opp volumet og åpnet vinduene i huset. Dere skulle sett ansiktene til de som gikk forbi! Faen, så genialt.
hey guys is there a BIG difference between Old Norse and the modern Norwegian language? If you anyone knows anything about Old Norse, could you just describe it a bit, please? Like differentiate between the old and the new. Thanks!
Begynner å bli temmelig lei av AoC nå. Det virket bra de første dagene men nå flommer forumet deres over av folk som har alle mulige slags problemer; Programmet vil ikke starte, animasjoner er fucka, programmet avslutter seg selv uten videre osv... Personlig klarer jeg ikke å starte programmet lenger engang. "Error 104". Bullshit.
hey guys is there a BIG difference between Old Norse and the modern Norwegian language? If you anyone knows anything about Old Norse, could you just describe it a bit, please? Like differentiate between the old and the new. Thanks!

If you learned old Norse you would probably not understand shit of modern norwegian, bar a few words. Same with other way around.

The danish people buttraped our language to fuck.. Its pretty vile if you ask me, i wouldnt mind learning old norse and getting a law much like the icelandic one.. You know, the one where you cant loan any damned words from an other language.

I don't know much about Old Norse though, except it lacked a lot of syllables we use today, and it also had some we dont.. The few words the old norse and norwegian share, were almost certianly pronounced very differently because of this. Still some survive in the original form through dialects, like my own, but they arent written words.