*Sigh* I know im wasting my time here, but im bored, so....
There is VERY little hip hop in Slipknot, on the first album there was one song with rap on it, and on the second there were none. The DJ doesnt use beats or samplings for the verses, its all guitar riffs, you mainly here the DJ/sampler in the intros, quiet eerie bits of the songs.
The vocals are WAY more influenced by black and death metal. I cant see the difference between Burton from FF signing the way he does and the guy from Slipknot doing the EXACT same thing and yet FF is metal and Slipknot is not.
Theres plenty of guitar riffing and technical stuff in Slipknot as well.
Whenever I ask any of you why you hate Slipknot, you always come out with something similair to what Blitzy or Trent said i.e.
"They sound like about a 5 piece band who invited their friends around to play dress up and bang on instruments, in an attempt to play teen angst ridden music in order to appeal to degenerate teens looking for some way to vent their ""anger"" and rebel against society"
Which just goes to show that you have never actually listened and only hate them because everyone else in metal does.
Do you criticise black metal bands for wearing makeup and being misanthropic?
What about metal bands like My Dying Bride and Sentenced who are way more whiny and "woe is me" than Slipknot ever got.
Why does it matter how many people are in the band? So they started a band with all of their friends, should they dump them when they get a record deal simply because they probably arent needed in the grand scheme of things and the record compay wanted them to get rid of them?
Im SO wasting my time here