The Odyssey


Mar 29, 2004
Whitby Ontario
I always knew I would use this song for a project... and what do you know? In English, a few friends and I are doing a project on poetic periods... In which we picked Homeric/Biblical... So we had to pick two poets and one poem... We pick Homer and a Chinese guy I can't remember and the Odyssey is our poem (though I have to pick passages out of the book as my job in this project is poem analogy and props)

And we'll be playing a snippet in the Odyssey that we have not yet figured out on putting on, which section do you feel we should play for the class? We have until monday but this is a 25 minutes presentation and we can't blow 24 on a song, sadly :p

I say go for the intro, it seems the most appropriate. It seems like a summary of the story as well, from the all the different parts of it.
You could also mention how it's a big triumphant-sounding someone just won the Superbowl or something...and explain how that works perfectly with the part of the story that specific section is about.
Champion of Ithaca - the lyrics ("So this is home...") really tell a lot about the story. Mentioning Minerva, how pissed Odysseus was, the whole shooting arrows thing. Sorry if I just managed to make the Odyssey sound stupid. I'm tired.
We've actually decided to play it in the background while we talk and than if we finish before the song we'll just let the song finish.... that way people will be paying more attention to the music than me :D
symphonyx said:
Yup.....Some of them are should play Champion of Ithaca. But,do not begin with the singing part ( this is home...), begin with the guitar part.
Already decided to play the whole thing...

So my group is done. We have about 3 minutes explaining the Homeric/Biblical period, we have a biography on Lao Tzu and Homer and a poetic analysis of the Odyssey.

And because we don't have a poem, but a 307 page book I got to read the whole thing and pull out any poetic parts I wanted so we have about 10 minutes of poetic analysis alone... we're so nailing this :D
yea, thats awesome. I think I blew a chance to play the Odyssey in my class, but I'll manage.

Good luck, make sure you whore the shit out of SX, and that the music is louder than your words, so people can focus in on the music better... =)
urinalcakemix said:
yea, thats awesome. I think I blew a chance to play the Odyssey in my class, but I'll manage.

Good luck, make sure you whore the shit out of SX, and that the music is louder than your words, so people can focus in on the music better... =)
Haha, we were thinking about doing that, but we're confident in what we're doing... We have it done and we do it second period tomorrow morning... Seeing as I am the last talker, as long as we don't finish before Champion of Ithica, we're good.