The Official Confessions Thread

Furious B

Aug 9, 2002
Take those skeletons from out of your closet boys and girls and lay them for the whole world to see RIGHT HERE. itt you admit to all those dirty little secrets you've been hiding from your friends, family, and, most importantly, your brethren at RC. I'll go first:

I'm listening to Kayo Dot.
after week sof searching I still cannot find that damn ISIS live performance someone once posted from some Scandinavian TV show ...
is this the *official* thread? because im not posting if it aint official
lurch70 said:
after week sof searching I still cannot find that damn ISIS live performance someone once posted from some Scandinavian TV show ...

Wow, I can't believe you actually admitted that on this forum o_O :p

I have socks with pisces (starsign) motif.
Henrik Main said:
Wow, I can't believe you actually admitted that on this forum o_O :p

some things are private ... my privates are not :p

ok ... Dead Lioness is making me go WOW everytime I see her ... :oops: :zombie:
good then. i dont have anything to confess anyway right now.
uhm...ok heres one: i go to church pretty much every sunday with the wife. i dont believe in god and this is the south so i pretty much just keep it quiet. other than that, im seriously thinking of becoming catholic because catholicism is really wierd.
in books and movies, who is doing all the cool exorcisms and hunting down of werewolves and vampires? catholics, thats who. not like the faggy i-have-sex-with-kids kind, but like father callahan in salems lot.
Henrik Main said:
I thought "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003" was scary.
the fact that they changed the ending infuriated and titillated me at the same time
-Wants to be a writer
-Once peed his pants in 4th grade
-Has spyware on his comp from looking at porn
-Has never heard Destroyer 666
-Listens to Kayo Dot. A lot
-Has a bunch of non-metal-head friends
-Hasn't started drinking yet
-Is seriously considering not going out to bars with friends because he just wants to sit around
-Boned one of my best friends girlfriends right after she dumped him

a lot more