the OFFICIAL "explain your user name" thread!!!!!

cause that's what my favourite music means to me
-halcyon space in which I feel save :) and I'm just being myself
-hullaballo for those who arn't very into it

sentimental:oops: name means I'm a follower of Bacchus (The Roman name for the Greek god Dionysos: the god of wine and intoxication!). There was quite a cult following, and these Bacchus groupies enjoyed lots of drunken orgies and ritual sacrifice.

The funny thing is...I don't really drink...:p

Oh, its also the name of a Theatre of Tragedy song.
Boy, I'm glad there's now an OFFICIAL one of these threads, because I was getting quite tired of all the poser ones being made.

My name is the greatest song EVAR.
I got this name from the Bathory song (lyrics below), as well as the Absu side project Equimanthorn. I use the name for all my online dealings. Oh I added an E to the end to give it a personal touch. Thats it...

Grant me the powers of thunder
And give me a sword forged in the raging Hell's fire
Lend me the eight legged black stallion of Odin and I'll have my vengeance,
oh, I'll kill with desire

Vengeance flows like boiling poison through my twisted veins
Tonight I'll blood shed with wrath and set the night on flames
Invincible in battle, wargods hear my deathwish cry
I'll laugh in the face of death, I into glory ride

Snarling breath upon your backs, I'm vengeance incarnate
Now it's time, the moment's comed, stand up now, face my hate
See the fire in my eyes, the final light you'll see
I send you to the darkness with my sword of thunder and steel

[Repeat second verse]

I let the bodies lie in shame
I let mighty earth drink their blood
I turn my face to eternal sky
And praise my elders' God
Equimanthorn hear my Hail
You're the mighty four winds night and day
Steel in every warrior's heart and sword
The brave and wise in flesh and soul
Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn,
Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn
My name is Spanish for "The Fantastic Devil". I can't speak Spanish, but I was pretending to with some mates and this was said and it just stuck as a name that I would use occasionally.
= SUI is for my fav band ever, Suicidal Tendencies + TOMMY is for obvious reason

The "x"`s are for dots, I mean Suicidal Tendencies have been using this shortcut S.T. = SxTx, besides those "x"`s are also on the SxTx original bandana.

Here in Poland people who know me, are calling me SUI cuz I alway wear some SxTx merch on me at the shows and on a common days too.
SxTx Por Vida!