The OFFICIAL FIFA World Cup 2006 Thread

Who will win the FIFA World Cup?

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Yeah lol, if I could bet like this I would be rich :p

Germany - Portugal
Ronaldo is haveing an audition for Superman.... again. Ref should just give him red, then he's going to cry again... so just give him red.
Lux said:
I really hope that france will play with two strikers this time. I don't know why they don't let trezeguet play,he's an awesome striker in my oppinion.

you live in Germany, you drink Dutch beer and you support France....?now thats fucked up
not true... just because this world cup was absolut pish, doesn't mean we don't know about football... besides, no one thought about this crappy final (not even the "football experts")
i wouldn't say its a crappy final, but yeh it wasnt really expected...Argentina and Brazil were quite big favourites so obvious they got the most votes
You guys have no idea how pissed I am right now. Italy in no way deserved that victory. That was bullshit.
I didn't really care who would win since my favorites were out anyway :p

I think Italy is the right winner IF you had to choose between France and Italy tonight. France barely survived the group round. Italy just shouldn't have won from Australia. And when Zidane heatbutted Materazzi I totally lost my respect for France.