The official FIFA World Cup Deutschland 2006 Thread

@gav: yes, of course, i would also get really mad at that if i was of arab descent. on the other hand, reacting the way he did just wasn't good strategically. we'll know tomorrow what materazzi said, but i guess it's pretty much along the lines of your guess.
O guys I actually just found this o well I guess I missed it kthxbi

Football: the game were real men can hug, cuddle, roll intertwined on the grass and kiss each other, as well as cry in public :D
If they just were metalheads, the view would have been so much nicer :p

incendo said:
Germany is supposed to have gained more than '20 billion €' related to WorldCup.

Do you mean the team or the country?

As for the country, I would almost assume that the sum of invested money (security - police, military protection against "terrorism", secret service, preparation to keep hooligans out etc -,
infrastructure - like reparing motorways earlier than scheduled, large screens everywhere, more tourism-related crew, advertisment, money paid for hospitality to football officials so they´d vote for Germany as location etc) is higher than the revenue from visitors, tourism and public image. The sponsors´money mostly went to the football organization, so it does not really count as input calculated against the costs paid by the country and cities.
Blitzkrieg Pajo said:
Btw does anyone know what the argentinian players got for their acts of violence after the game vs Germany?
Maxi Rodríguez got a two-match ban and a fine, Cufre got a four-match ban and a fine. Of course the fines were peanuts compared to their wages: what use is a fine of ~£3000 when a person earns ~£30,000 a week?
^ Actually more like "that's life".

Oh well, I'd have to agree with everyone here, it was a pretty lousy game. I don't agree with Zack of it being thw worst game ever, the 1st half was good.

Then it sucked big time.

The italian team didn't play at all after the 1st half, making it a really lousy game. France did attack a lot more, though they didn't manage to score. Then again, there was the 2nd penalty against italy and the referee didn't saw it :p (shhhh shhhh don't say anything).

Also, what Materazzi said to Zidane must have been something like "fucking french pussy" or something, I mean, for Zidane to do something like that was crazy.

I was like WTF?!?

I really fucking hate Zidane, I hate him for doing that, he had reason to react, but he shouldn't have done it that way.Oviously die rote karte was well deserved, but still, sad way to say goodbye to yer last WC.

He didn't even receive his medal, did he?

I love/hate penalties, it gets me really pumped up, yet it is still a bit of an unfair way to solve a match, tis only luck. Buffon didn't catch anything, he threw himslef to the wrong place on every shot :p . Luckily for him the french hit one shot on the post.

Oh well, IMO Italy didn't deserve to win the WC, I mean I'm happy they did and I go with Italy, yet they didn't play good at all in most of the games.

For the 1st time in the WC, I think the referee did a good job in the game :p , so no complaints concerning that. Except maybe with the penalty hehe, but I don't mind that :p .
You know what.. now it's the next morning and Im still shocked and disgusted Italy won. What a shitty ending to a great World Cup
(excuse me if I did some mistakes but my brain is out of head since last night/this morning)

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
The italian team didn't play at all after the 1st half, making it a really lousy game. France did attack a lot more, though they didn't manage to score. Then again, there was the 2nd penalty against italy and the referee didn't saw it :p (shhhh shhhh don't say anything).

Don't worry, we won't talk again about Moreno and say blah blah blah. ;)

However, good team during the 1st half, but TOTALLY out from the 2nd half. And FIFA selected Totti (imho the worst italian player during the tournament) as one of the most impressive midfielders (taken from Wikipedia). Wtf.
However we won, despite our shitty game. This remembers me some things:

in 1982 everybody spoke bad about the team, we criticized the coach and every player... 3 - 2 Brazil, 3 - 1 Germany and Italy world champion.
Then we started to say "this is an awesome team, we will win World Cup 86/90/94/98/02 because we are very strong" and everybody knows how we were good.
Now the initial situation was the same of 1982... we needed 24 years to learn some humbleness.

Now let's wait 12 years for the next final and other 12 years for the next victory. :lol:

1970 Italy Brazil 1 - 4
1982 Italy Germany 3 - 1
1994 Italy Brazil 2 - 3 after shootouts
2006 Italy France 5 - 3 shootouts
2018 Italy San Marino 0 - 20
2030 Italy Burundi 7 - 6

Also, what Materazzi said to Zidane must have been something like "fucking french pussy" or something, I mean, for Zidane to do something like that was crazy.

A friend of mine says that Materazzi said something like "terrorist". Materazzi, fuck, have you got sand in your head?

I think that Zidane was very stupid in doing a thing like this:


But Materazzi should be kicked in the ass, he's a bonehead. However, one of the best italian players during the match (the best imho is Cannavaro, chosen as the new President of the Republic from Gialappa's band :lol:)

You know what.. now it's the next morning and Im still shocked and disgusted Italy won. What a shitty ending to a great World Cup

Owned? Owned.
fireangel said:
Do you mean the team or the country?

As for the country, I would almost assume that the sum of invested money (security - police, military protection against "terrorism", secret service, preparation to keep hooligans out etc -,
infrastructure - like reparing motorways earlier than scheduled, large screens everywhere, more tourism-related crew, advertisment, money paid for hospitality to football officials so they´d vote for Germany as location etc) is higher than the revenue from visitors, tourism and public image. The sponsors´money mostly went to the football organization, so it does not really count as input calculated against the costs paid by the country and cities.

I meant the country. However, I'm not sure if the German national team is financed by the country's budget (in order to count the teams' and the country's budget as the same, when meaning).

And yes, possibly, Germany has lost money in conclusion.
unbelievable italy.. incredible, amazing, superb.. I have no other words (nor I have any voice left) to say some other.

zidane proved to be just a jackass with no brain... nice end of career.. losing a world-final and being sent out.. so ridiculous.