The Official GMD - Get to know your fellow forumers survery!

recent face

1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
Mesa, Arizona

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
I've been here since 02, mostly lurking. I found my way here looking for more metal bands on kazaa or something. Recently came back and started posting up again.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Porcupine Tree
Arch Enemy

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe (the album that showed me the path the metal when I was a wee lad)
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I am never bored.
@ cookiecutter

yeah, the metal scene here is fine... there are a lot of good bands now, but still, bands here are hoping to get albums released internationally so that filipino metal get at least some recognition. Well, the primary problem is funds, but in terms of passion and dedication, it's always there...

And people here just order CDs through the internet or postal and just through trading... Lucky for you guys, you can get Metal CDs just around your corner...

Well, anyways, you can check out

For Death Metal I recommend...

End this day
Faster than Satan

1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
Springfield, Illinois

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Nile, Lost Horizon,.... Its been a slow week of metal listening

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Slayer - RiB
Nile - blackseeds
Cannibal Corpse - tomb of the mutilated
Lost Horizon - a flame to the ground beneath
Megadeth - countdown to extinction

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I love farting
I don't have a picture handy right now but I'll edit it into my post some other time.

1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
The Netherlands (home) / United Kingdom (girlfriend)

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
I started out on UM as an Opeth forum poster/lurker and eventually moved to GMD after getting bored of that forum. I still read Opeth OT from time to time but rarely post there anymore.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Too difficult to answer.

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets
Coil - Musick To Play In The Dark Vol. 1
Garbage - Garbage
Swans - The Great Annihilator

Just 5 random ones off the top of my head that either made some emotional impact on me or influenced my music taste in some way.

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I hate people.
1) Jeremy

2) Westport Island, Maine, USA

3) I come to this forum to find new bands, discuss bands I like and musical genres I'm interested in, provide advice to those who seek it, and try to contribute to an intellectual community of individuals who share a common passion for metal music.

4) Borknagar
Limbonic Art

5) Borknagar - Quintessence
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death
Aborym - Generator
Zyklon - World ov Worms

6) I am attending UMaine this fall, studying to be a Latin teacher. I love to travel, enjoy the outdoors, exotic cuisines, seafood, and collection coins/currency as a serious hobby.

Metal-wise, I consider Symphonic Black Metal my specialty but I'm a fan of all black metal. Death metal I'm picky about and I enjoy most traditional doom metal/stoner doom.
Recent Face.

1) What is your name?
Mindi (short for my real name which is a fucking long dorky Indian name)

2) Where do you live?
Sydney Australia

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
Music discussion, but have also made some nice friends along the way :)

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Eleventh He Reaches London (AUS)
Sleepmakeswaves (AUS)
Ne Obliviscaris (AUS)
Burzum (NOR)
Darkthrone (NOR)
Mono (JP)
The Police (UK)

Yeah I know it's not five!

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Iron Maiden: Somewhere In Time
Iron Maiden: Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
All of David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust material
Madonna's early material
AC/DC - all material prior to Blow Up Your Video

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
Tree Hugging Hippy wannabe and proud :kickass:, kind of politically active, love reading, art, debate, and a proud supporter for women's, animal, gay and racially equal rights.

(flame away, but hey it's me).

1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
Wayne, Michigan

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
I don't know exactly but I think Freeman told me about this place a few years back, as for why I'm on it currently - I've got nothing better to do.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Pain of Salvation

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
1. Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element
2. Agalloch - The Mantle
3. dredg - Catch Without Arms
4. Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
5. Our Lady Peace - Spiritual Machines

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
Nothing much, aside from liking metal I'm a stereotypical whiny bitchy self-centered teenager.


Mono (JP)

Amazing band, never would've expected for you to like them though :D
You know, this thread may work as kind of a member bio inventory for new people to look up in order to familarize themselves with the regulars. It could work that way if we sticky this. Just a suggestion. What do you think?
1) What is your name?

Christopher Cody .....

2) Where do you live?

Lake Placid, New York.

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

No idea!

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

1. Paradise Lost
2. Candlemass
3. Soundgarden
4. Bloodbath
5. Cathedral

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

1. Amorphis-the karelian isthmus
2. Metallica-kill 'em all
3. Opeth-my arms, your hearse
4. Slayer-hell awaits
5. Sentenced-north from here


Iron Maiden-killers,Neurosis-souls at zero,katatonia-brave murder day,Evoken-embrace the emptiness,Amorphis-tales from the thousand lakes,White Zombie-astro creep 2000 and Devil Music vol.1.

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

I have been playing guitar around 6,7 years. I generally hate other people and wish they would disapear.

What I look like...

You're all suppose to be posting pictures of yourselves...
1) Big dave

2) Aurora, IL

3) great board, great people

4) My dying bride, slayer, immolation, metallica, black sabbath burzum (top 6)

5)burzum - det som engang var
my dying bride - angel and dark river
slayer - reign in blood
metallica - master of puppets
morbid angel - covenant
1) What is your name?Alter:Smug:

2) Where do you live?In the board:Smug:

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.i needed to find a place to talk about metal so I googled metal forums.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Deathspell Omega,Interpol,Rocco Deluca and the Burden,darkthrone,Moonblood

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Rocco Deluca and the Burden-I Trust You To Kill Me
Darkthrone-Under A Funeral Moon
Obituary-Cause Of Death
The Beatles-The white album

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I am above you all.
1- Andrew.

2- New Hope, Pennsylvania, USA.

3- Recs.

4- I've been listening to a lot of Symphony X, Nevermore and Sonata Arctica latley. Other than that I've been trying to mix it up.

5- I can't really answer this. I'm just not as much of a music junky as everyone else here, so albums don't tend to "impact" me all that much. Really, I wish I could have the appreciation for music that most of you guys have, though.

6- I'm big into comedy / acting / humor in general. I'm a pretty rabid Yankees fan.
1. Jim
2. Chicago, IL and Evanston, IL during the school year.
3. Originally came through the Opeth forum, but grew away from that. I think it's pretty intolerable now.
4. Leviathan, Deathspell Omega, Xasthur, and Drudkh are always at the top. Currently I'm playing Lurker of Chalice a lot.
5. Metallica - Master of Puppets
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Elliott Smith - Figure 8
Leviathan/Xasthur split
6. I guess I'm one of the many Illinoisans here. The Chicago area is huge, so there should be some representation, but it's sort of unusual that we have a few from downstate. I play drums for my band Night Harvest, and I like to try a lot of different beers and whiskies. This is my main hobby besides metal. I graduate from college in a year, and I have no idea what I'll be doing after that.