The Official HALO 3 Thread


Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis
Discuss the awesomness of this game right hur. Share ID's so we can have a ultimate metal domination fest.

Right now I'm still a mere private because I don't have much time to play.
I love going against those high ranking arrogant bastards. I always kick their ass. I seem to always get shitty teammates though.
Mathiäs;6927007 said:
I love going against those high ranking arrogant bastards. I always kick their ass. I seem to always get shitty teammates though.

I hate having shitty teammates.

When me and my friend play sometimes we get guys that can only get 2-4 kills, while I'm usually in the 7-9 range and my friend is racking up 15 lol. He's the best Halo player I know. He's better on Halo 2 though.
I used to be decent at the game, but I've really sucked as of late. Most likely due to extended playing of Guitar Hero 3 and Call of Duty 4 instead.

Either way, gamertag is Addo Ov Nex if anyone wants to kick my ass.
I hate having shitty teammates.

When me and my friend play sometimes we get guys that can only get 2-4 kills, while I'm usually in the 7-9 range and my friend is racking up 15 lol. He's the best Halo player I know. He's better on Halo 2 though.

Yeah. I usually get 8-15 kills.
Mathiäs;6927022 said:
^I'll add you in a minute. I'll verse you in GH3, but you'll probably dominate me

I'm pretty good at GH3, but that's because I've spent far too much time playing the Guitar Hero series in general. This in turn has affected my ability to play other games:erk:
Addo just dominated me. He had a good team every time though.

Also, sorry about that chat! My headset is fucked.
Heh, I was wondering if my headset was fucked up or not. I seemed to get lucky a lot, and I did have a very good team most of the time, but I was also playing a lot better than I usually do.

Either way, I'll most likely start playing Halo more often.
Never played it. There was a Halo party downstairs last night, but I didn't join because I had work to do, and they were playing hip-hop really loud.
Heh, I was wondering if my headset was fucked up or not. I seemed to get lucky a lot, and I did have a very good team most of the time, but I was also playing a lot better than I usually do.

Either way, I'll most likely start playing Halo more often.

Count on some more invites from me. I have to even the score.:heh:

BTW after you left we won like 10 in a row. It was weird.
Pretty much all console fps sucks tbh.
Then again, I compare most console fps's to half-life, which isn't really a fair comparison, considering half-life, and any sequels, mods, or games using the same engine (except cs and cs:s) are pure awesome, especially portal.

yay for valve.