The official "I fucking hate Dragonforce" thread

I don't like them, nor do I like any other Power Metal band I can think of.

Speaking of bad music, a friend just had me check out Scar Symmetry tonight. Man, they blow.
I've told my parents that I'm probably going to not go back to the martial arts class this term. I said that it's because I'm not sure if I'll have time since I'm going to be studying three languages, but it's really because the instructor plays Dragonforce while we're doing our warm-up exercises.
Can't agree with all the Dragonforce hate. I for one really like the band and am also seeing them September 28th :D

Everyone can have their own opinion so long as they don't force it down other peoples throats.

Then they're just labled as assholes.

Though I suppose that's just my opinion, right?

Do what you will with it.
I fucking hate them too. Their music is way to happy and not straight. It is not OK to use the a string as a pedal tone while the singer sounds like someone who had his balls taken away minutes earlier before the recording. Yes and THE SOLOS FUCKING SUCK BECAUSE the solos are gay too.

I've said it before, but I saw them live and felt so gay I nearly married a bloke called John right after the show.

I never really minded Sonic Firestorm all that much, but I cannot really stand that genre, so.
Pyrus said:
Dragonforce is probably the far edge of cheesiness for me - they have this sort of complete sincerity that lifts them above the likes of Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica, and such bands. Plus, they're fucking incredible musicians.

Interestingly, that's what I don't like about them the most - I feel like they're very insincere, and all image and flash. They're good musicians, but their writing leaves something to be desired...

In other words, I endorse this thread. Yeuk.
I think someone should make an official Rhapsody hate thread. Now they are the epitome of gay power metal.
i dont hate them, but i dont like them either (i prefer Cellador). every song sounds the same and it just sounds as if they are trying way too hard.

eaeolian said:
Interestingly, that's what I don't like about them the most - I feel like they're very insincere, and all image and flash. They're good musicians, but their writing leaves something to be desired...
unfortunately many people fail to see this. and because of the "d00d, they r teh 1337 musicianz" mentality they overshadow more deserving bands
eaeolian said:
Interestingly, that's what I don't like about them the most - I feel like they're very insincere, and all image and flash. They're good musicians, but their writing leaves something to be desired...

In other words, I endorse this thread. Yeuk.
all the over-excessive image they are using is a big irony from their part if you ask me, and is absolutely intended. They don't take themselves seriously like Rhapsody or Hammerfall does.
derek said:
That'd be RHAPSODY (OF FIRE!) these days! :erk:
you know, the funny thing is that Rhapsody (of fire) released a new album recently but no one cares because they got extremely boring.
To get boring would mean that they would have had to be interesting at one point. I think they should change their name to Crapsody, Rhapsody (Of Cheese) or Rhapsocheese.