the official Make the Depression Fade thread

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
make me fucking laugh! and no DISCUSSIONS allowed in this thread. every post must be a joke. no responses to the jokes. the jokes have to be FUNNY! give it a shot. bet you cant make me laugh
Yesterday I heard a story about how many preists in this area were molesting kids. My asshole closed up tight. Oh, then a bunch of shaven poodles were being chased by a fat man with a cheese grater, the babylonians discovered nu-metal, and buried it again, only to be found by KoRn... and Jesus' mother may have been a street whore.

BTW Look, me at 7 am, before I put on my makeup
A guy gets a call for a hospital, it turns out his wife was in a car accident. When he gets there, the doctor, just out of surgery, takes him into the ER and makes him sit down.
"I have to tell you, sir, your wife is paralyzed from the neck down, a complete quadripalegic."
"Oh my god," the man says, shaking his head.
"What this means," the doctor continues "is that you will have to help your wife with everything. She'll be unable to do anything without help, even brushing her teeth or using the bathroom. For that matter she'll have control over her bodily waste, and you're going to have to change her like you would a baby."
"This is so horrible," the man says crying.
"I hope you love her, because the rest of your life with her will be constant struggle and challenge."
"I know," the man says.
The doctor suddenly grins and slaps him on the back. "Ha! I'm just fucking with you. Your wife's dead."
So am I.
Wolftribe said:
if you are floatig upstream in your canoe and a wheel breaks, how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?

none! ice cream doesn't have bones
Wrong, you can fit 3 pancakes in a doghouse, no matter what the present gravity is.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
id delete this thread if i could, because you're all fucking retarded.

With it being Sunday morning and the calling for
participation in the sacrament from TV priests
(not that it's on or anything). The representation
of Christ's blood will had to be... Zinfandel.

*wonders if the house really DID move*
Heres one... this chick at the bar last night(mare)
I ask if she of age to drink (because I don't need a $1500 fine)
So the rest of the night she HAD to explain that she is of age, and tell the stories
of the cock taking she has been taking since 13 years old!!!She ended up like a submarine....full of seamen hahaha...not my deamon seeds though
I got some pix if any of you guys are interested.(same old Troy pix ,Ass no face)
Do what all artistic people do when their down. Write a poem, write a song, draw, paint, do anything but sit there and complain.