Hmmm, allow me to add my 2 cents to the movie discussion!
I thought Brick was okay, but to me it was one of those movies I'd give a B to, plenty of ambition and a good attempt at making a somewhat diferent or original crime noir piece, but not a perfect or exceptional movie in the least.
Have not seen Blades of Glory, not a real big fan of Will Farell and the Napolean Dymanite dude has been in a lot of comedies it seems that have missed the mark with critics, so I'm not in any hurrt to see it. Stranger than Fiction was a charming little tale though woth watching IMO and for comedies to see, Knocked Up sounds like it is a winner. I'm one of the majority who loved The 40-Year Old Virgin.
Going to watch The Fountain this weekend, my expectiaons are realistic I think. Really looking forward to seeing it though the more I think about it.
Shrek III sounds like it's lost quite a bit of it's touch and ideas with the third installment. Which is a bummer as I love the first two. I'll probably go see it in a few weks or something still.
Not a movie, but I'll probably will watch a few more episode of The Sopranos this weekend to which point I should be then starting the fourth season next week. I don't think I'll catch up in time for the series finale

It's getting harder and harder to avoid spoiilers, so PLEASE don't mention anything to me about it's curtrent affairs without a SPOILER tag - thank you
I downloaded Ichi the Killer and need to burn it to DVD this weekend as well, doubt I'll get to see it yet though as too much to do, but with a 4 day weekend next weekend I'll be watching some flicks then!