The official music recommendations for Metal Camden while on the road

If you haven't spent a lot of time with Isis, they're a band that makes for great headphone music. Panopticon is just brilliant.

Yes. Great band if you are suffering from insomnia.

Okay. Honestly. What do you like about Isis? I find their music to be too stripped down to offer much up. Very drone. Very little diversity. Too much focused on one emotion. The songs basically write themselves, or so it seems. I just can't get into this band.
If you wanna check out some quality band catalogues and staying away from the proggy stuff, here's some of my picks of bands that have been around forever and have tonnes of quality material to delve into;

Running Wild
Angel Dust
Jag Panzer
Iced Earth
Grave Digger
Vicious Rumors

I second all of these. Quality stuff.
If you like kick-ass melodic rock with fucking SICK guitars, definitely Look into some Fair Warning and Zeno. Fair Warning, I really suggest the self titled and Aura. Zeno, I suggest Listen to the Light and the self-titled. Zeno Roth is Uli Jon Roth's younger brother and Zeno is his band. He and Helge Engelke (lead guitar for Fair Warning and rhythm guitar for early Zeno) are easily the 2 most under rated guitarists I have ever heard. Absolutely incredible technique-wise, but the real wonder is their phrasing and melodies. Like damn. They make my mouth water....
Morgana Lefay. Can't go wrong with any of their albums, really (besides the self titled), but Maleficium and the re-recorded Symphony of the Damned (released under simply Lefay) are good places to start.
Thank you all for the time to make your suggestions! I'll be getting some stuff together and getting the headphones going! wooooo!!!!

Okay. Honestly. What do you like about Isis?
Kind of a tough question to answer quantitatively. What does anyone like about any musical expression? I guess the first thing I like about Isis is their absolute brilliance. The fact that their music builds passionately to intense crescendos and then crashes intensely. As one of my friends, hammered out of his gourd at an Isis show once described their music, it sounds like "slabs of monolithic concrete plummeting into the ocean".*

*Yeah... I'm not actually sure what that means either. I've just always liked the sound of it.
You don't want Prog... okay...

I think you'd dig the last three Arthemis albums. All 6 are worth listening to, but listening to the progression from "Back From The Heat" to "Black Society" to "Heroes" is fun. They start very Power Metall-ey, shift to a Rob Zombie/Metallica vibe, then go even more Thrash, but with clean mixes. As a guitarist, you will appreciate Andy's work more than I can. Hope to see you in December - I owe you a beer.
For times when you need to chill out, relax and get away from metal, but keep strong guitar and a good groove, try Erpland or Strangeitude by Ozric Tentacles. Both are great, and even more so in headphones. :)
Since you said stuff that is a little older, I'll name my absolute faves that you might have missed. These are all still "new" enough that they don't sound dated, but before you started getting into the scene. Two others mentioned Angel Dust...... I agree with them. I'll start it there.

Angel Dust - "Bleed".............. I suppose, if you had to label them, it would be powermetal, but they definitely had their own groove. Lot's of traditional metal elements in there as well.

Avalon - "Eurasia"............... Modern melodic powermetal with an Asian twist. Great singer (current singer for red Circuit)

Tad Morose - "Modus Vivendi"............... Blend of traditional and power metal (like "American" style powermetal) that will knock you back in your seat. Great singer, drummer and guitar riffs.

Angra - "Rebirth"............. Modern powermetal. Possibly one of the most talented bands there is as a unit. Every member is borderline elite as musicians.

Sieges Even - "The Art of Navigating By the Stars".......... this one is a bit proggy, but it flows so well you don't realize it is proggy. This is actaully rock as opposed to metal, but the songs are outstanding. great singer with tons of emotion.

If you want to go back to some really old stuff and don't mine the production not being so good (pretty good on a couple) here are some "oldies" that are essential.

Tesla _"Mechanical Resonance"............ absolutely brilliant hard rock/metal

Metal Church - "Blessing in Disguise" .......... this release should have propelled Metal Church into stardom equal to Metallica. A blend of American Powermetal/thrash.

Accept - "Balls to The Wall/Metal Heart" Can't choose between these classics. Epic German oldschool metal.

Wuthering Heights - Salt
This and any Wuthering Hieghts, especially Far From the Madding Crowd
Seconding the Wuthering Heights rec!

Ancient Bards - The Alliance of the Kings: Extremely cheesy female-fronted power metal from Italy in the vein of Rhapsody. Catchy songs with cool vocal lines.
Awesome disc!

Running Wild
Angel Dust
Jag Panzer
Iced Earth
Grave Digger
Vicious Rumors
All albums by all of these, esp. Grave Digger, Rage, and Savatage. All bands with massive catalogs and barely a bad album in there!

The new Manticora & the new Pretty Maids are currently kicking my ass so check those out.

Galloglass, Human Fortress, Vanishing Point, Eldritch...anything on Limb Music. Great driving records!

I'm sure I'll add more to this thread before you go on the road. As someone who has spent too much time on the road, I'm trying to think of what we would always listen to on the road and what helped me survive the road. Of course, one of the best things is albums that are great from start to finish. Nothing better than not having to change discs constantly!

Some non-metal releases that are great, if not mandatory, tour music...

- one of the Journey Greatest Hits albums. Make fun of me all you want, but you can't survive the road without Journey.
- Pink Floyd- as much as possible, definitely The Wall.
- The Eagles- On the Border (or anything pre-Long Run), Merle Haggard- Okie from Miskogee (or somethin like that), and something Johnny Cash. Its good to have one or more of these for when you get out west in the mountains. Never thought I'd see the day I recommend Merle Haggard on this forum!:lol:
-Classical. Berlioz, Bach, Wagner...great late night van drive music.
Tesla _"Mechanical Resonance"............ absolutely brilliant hard rock/metal


One of my favorite debut albums from a "garage band" style group.

Of course, I'm listening to Great White's "Rock Me" right now, so I never really left the 80's.